Altri colloqui, giornate di studi, seminari

Online Seminar - Ancient Women Philosophers: Texts and Problems (University of Bergamo)
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (CET)
> See the program (PDF, 130 Ko)

Conference "Rewriting ancient myths in the 20th and 21th centuries: Gender perspectives and modern concerns"organized online by J. Fabre-Serris and F. Klein
on January 24-25, 2025
> See the program (PDF, 185 Ko)
> See the abstracts (PDF, 263 Ko)
> Join Zoom Meeting with this link

Conference ‟Minor” Female Poets of the Archaic and Classical Age, organized by Cecilia Nobili and Tullia Spinedi
on January 29th-30th, 2025 - at the University of Bergamo, Aula Fornasa, p.le S. Agostino 2, 
It will be possible to follow the conference online via Meet. To request the link please contact: cecilia.nobiliunibgit or tullia.spinediunibgit
Programme (PDF - 116 Ko)

2 Days Meetings organized as a Part of the Project EuGeStA - Gender studies and classical Scholarship – 8-9 November 2024
Women and Roman historiographyorganized by Lewis Webb and Olivia Elder – 8-9 November 2024
> Access this event by Zoom
Meeting ID: 228 596 1363
Passcode: 49960
> See the program of this event (PDF, 150 Ko)

Fourth Session of the cycle of meetings organized as a part of EuGeStA - Gender Studies and Classical Scholarship - November 27 (Wednesday)
Hour: 11h (USA/NYC) – 11h Canada - 13h - (South America/Belo Horizonte) – 17h (Europe/France)
- Speaker 1: Anique Hamelink - The public lives of ancient women (500 BC6-650 CE)
- Speaker 2:  Tais Pagoto Bélo – The Strength of Roman Women Through Coins and a Feminist Critique From the Past to the Present
- Respondent 1: María Rosa Cid López
- Respondent 2: Filippo Carlà-Uhink
-   Chair: Maria Cecília de Miranda Nogueira Coelho
Zoom Link:  to receive it, please, fill the google form (DL: November 24)
> See the poster (PNG - 375 Ko)

2 Days Meetings organized as a Part of the Project EuGeStA - Gender studies and classical Scholarship – October 24-25
Violence against Women / La violenza contro le donneorganized by Beatrice Girotti, Alessandra Valentini and Valentina Uglietti, 24-25 october
Access this event by Zoom:
> 24 october from 16.30
ID riunione: 86266908185
Pw: 771609
> 25 october from 16.30
ID riunione: 82971605917
Pw: 143629
> See the program of this event (PDF,  133 Ko)
> See the abstracts of this event (PDF, 180 Ko)

The Ancient Wrath of Ares: Studies in Euripides' Phoenician Women
This online-only conference, convened by Edith Hall and Rosie Wyles (Durham) and Vayos Liapis (Open University of Cyprus), in collaboration with the Oxford APGRD, will take place on Thursday, October 17 -- Friday, October 18, 2024. The conference was prompted by the summer 2024 production of Phoenissae by the Cyprus Theatre Organisation, directed by Magdalena Zira; the production was timed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus.
To register to receive the Zoom links please email Dr Rosie Wyles at mary.r.wylesdurham.acuk
> Programme (PDF - 99 Ko)

International Symposium The Past is a Female Country: Ancient Women and their Reception in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
University of Warwick, Monday 3 June 2024, 10:30am to 5:00pm (IN PERSON ONLY).
For programme and registration form please see

ICS Ancient History Seminar - Summer Term 2023/24
(25 April – 2 May – 9 May – 23 May – 30 May)
Thursdays from 4.30 pm APART FROM 2 MAY WHEN WE START AT 3PM, G35, Senate House, University of London
Sexual(ised) Violence in Antiquity – New Approaches
The 1990s saw the beginnings of an interest in investigating rape and sexual violence in Antiquity with a particular concern with classifying specific acts and on whether or not to define an act as one of 'rape' while (often leaving 'sexual violence' un-marked). Recent years have seen a turn towards (i.) broader explorations of acts of power and control expressed in a sexual way and (ii.) a deeper understanding of how socialisation processes perpetuate power imbalances. As a result, ancient historians and classicists are starting to explore the contexts in which violence was sexualised in Antiquity. This new research is challenging the assumptions that guided earlier studies which - seeming pioneering at the time – were, it appears, often projecting 1990s concepts onto ancient evidence. The summer term’s seminar – which will fall thirty years after a 1994 symposium on rape in Antiquity in Cardiff - will contribute to conversations about current directions in research and seek to map out new avenues of inquiry.
For queries or further information, please contact Susan Deacy (susan.deacybristol.acuk) or Paola Ceccarelli (p.ceccarelliucl.acuk).
> Per sapene di più (PDF, 217 Ko)

EuGeStA Project - Gender Studies and Classical Scholarship - Ovid and the feminisms
organized by J. Fabre-Serris and A. Keith, 26-27 April 2024
(Jacqueline Fabre-Serris, Alison Keith, Sara Lindheim, Simona Martorana, Carole Newlands, Ellen Oliensis, Alison Sharrock, Thea Sellias Thorsen)
> Access this event by Zoom
> See the program of this event "Ovid and the feminism" (PDF, 123 Ko)
> See the abstracts of this event "Ovid and the feminism" (PDF, 254 Ko)

The Women’s Classical Committee UK is pleased to announce its 2024 Annual General Meeting, ‘Labour and Rest‘, on Friday 3rd May 2024, at Durham University. The day will feature a keynote talk by Professor Edith Hall (Durham), as well as a series of short spotlight talks.
The AGM will be held in a hybrid format: please register for the event on TicketSource
If you select to attend via Zoom, you will receive details closer to the date.
People of any gender expression or identity who support the WCC UK’s aims are welcome to attend this event, and more information on this can be found on our website:
Around the website you can also find more information on the Women’s Classical Committee UK, including our aims and activities and how to join.

"Who’s That Girl?- Portraits of Hetairai between Hellenistic and Imperial Ages",
Conferenza organizzata da Effrosyni Tsakou e Roberto Di-Tuccio presso l'Università di Duhram, il 20 e 21 giugno 2024
> Per sapene di più