Présentation du réseau
EuGeStA est un réseau de recherche international regroupant des chercheurs qui en Europe travaillent, selon les perspectives développées dans les Gender Studies, dans les différents champs disciplinaires de l’Antiquité : littérature, philosophie, histoire, histoire de l’art, histoire des religions, droit, médecine, économie, archéologie…
Les universités partenaires et leurs responsables sont actuellement :
Bâle (Henriette Harich), Berne (Thomas Späth), Exeter (Rebecca Langlands), Fribourg (Véronique Dasen), Lille (Jacqueline Fabre-Serris et Florence Klein), Manchester (Alison Sharrock), Munich (Therese Fuhrer), Open University (James Robson), Paris 1 (Violaine Sebillotte-Cuchet), Toronto (Alison Keith), Turin (Federica Bessone) et l’UCLA (Giulia Sissa).
Les activités engagées sont de deux sortes :
- organiser des colloques tournants dans les différentes universités partenaires
voir document : accord coopération réseau Gender Studies (pdf) - animer un site Internet dont le but est de promouvoir les contacts et les échanges entre chercheurs, doctorants et étudiants.
Rédactrice en chef : JACQUELINE FABRE-SERRIS
Actualités de la recherche et des publications
Third Session of the cycle of meetings organized as a part of EuGeStA - Gender Studies and Classical Scholarship - 16 September 2024 - Hour: 11:00 (USA/NYC) – 12:00 (South-America) – 17:00 (Europe)
Speaker(s) 1 - Katharine O'Reilly and Caterina Pellò editors - Ancient Women philosophers (Cambridge 2023) - Speaker 2 - Melissa Funke - Phryne, a life in fragments (Bloomsbury 2024)
Respondent 1: Sara Brill - Respondent 2: Stefania Giombini
Chair: Maria Cecilia de Miranda Nogueira Coelho
Zoom link: to receive it, please fill the google form (DL: September 13): -
Le prochain colloque du réseau EuGeStA, organisé par Florence Gherchanoc, aura lieu au début de 2026.
Z. Alonso Fernández and S. Olsen (2024) Imprints of dance in ancient Greece and Rome. Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
- H. King (2024) Immaculate Forms: Uncovering the history of women’s bodies, Profile Books.
- S. Martorana, Seeking the Mothers in Ovid's Heroides, Cornell University Press.
F. Prescendi (2024) Lupae. Présences féminines autour de Romulus et Rémus, Brepols
- G. Gilles, K. Frank, C. Plastow, L. Webb (eds) 2024, Female Agency in the Ancient Mediterranen World, Women in Ancient Cultures,Liverpool.
- V. Moro, Il teatro della polis. Filosofia dell'agonismo tragico, Pisa: ETS, 2024.
- Brill, S. and Mc. Keen, C. (2024) The Routledge Handbook of Women and Ancient Greek Philosophy, London.
- Boulègue, L. (forthcoming), Equicola, Mario, De mulieribus/Des femmes, intr. et éd. L. Boulègue, trad. L. Boulègue et L. Claire, notes L. Boulègue, M. Brouillet, N. Catellani, L. Claire, A. Duru, A. Lamy, Paris, Les Belles Lettres (coll. « Les Classiques de l’humanisme »).
Appels à contributions
Call for papers Female voices in a public context: authorial articulation and mimetic representation in ancient Greek literature
Organizers: Giambattista D’Alessio, Luigi Battezzato, Cristina Pepe
Place: University of Naples Federico II - Dates: June 24-26, 2025
Proposals for 20-minute presentations in English, to be followed by 10-minute discussion, should be submitted to the Organizing Secretary (convegnofemalevoicesgmailcom) in the form of an anonymous abstract (max. 300 words, *.pdf file), with a brief bibliography, not longer than 10 items, by 30 October 2024. We will inform all applicants of our decision by 20 December 2024.
> Pour en savoir plus (PDF - 94 Ko) -
On 17-18 October 2024, Edith Hall (Durham University) and Vayos Liapis (Open University of Cyprus) will be convening a fully online conference on Euripides’ Phoenician Women, prompted by the summer 2024 production of the Cyprus Theatre Organisation and directed by Magdalena Zira, which has been timed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus.
Abstracts are invited of 300 words addressing any dimension of the tragedy, including both its aesthetic, social, moral political aspects within the original context of its production and its subsequent performance and reception history.
It is intended to publish an edited collection of essays based on the conference papers.
PhD students and Early Career Researchers are warmly encouraged to submit. Please send abstracts to edith.halldurham.acuk by 1st August 2024. Responses and invitations will be sent out on 1st September 2024.