Minerva Alganza-Roldán | Filología griega | Universidad de Granada | malganzaugres |
Eve D'Ambra | Art History | Vassar College | evdambravassaredu |
Annemarie Ambühl >webpage | Greek and Latin literature, gender and war | University Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | ambuehluni-mainzde |
Ronnie Ancona | Classics | Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center | ranconahunter.cunyedu |
Valeria Andò | Letteratura greca | Università di Palermo | valeriandogmailcom |
Anastasia Bakogianni | Greek Tragedy and its reception in the modern world | Massey University | A.bakogiannimassey.acnz |
Karen Bassi | Greek and Latin Literature, Historiography, Gender Studies | University of California at Santa Cruz | bassiucscedu |
Anna Albertina Beltrametti | Letteratura greca e Drammaturgia antica | Università di Pavia | annabeltunipvit |
Daria Bertolaso | Philologie grecque | Université de Lausanne | daria.bertolasogmailcom |
Maurizio Bettini | Filologia classica, Antropologia del Mondo Classico | Università di Siena | bettiniunisiit |
Anne Bielman Sánchez | Histoire et épigraphie grecques | Université de Lausanne | anne.bielmanunilch |
Laurialan Blake Reitzammer | Greek literature, Greek religion, gender and sexuality | University of Colorado | reitzammercoloradoedu |
Josine Blok | Ancient History and Classical Civilization | University of Utrecht | j.h.blokuunl |
Ruby Blondell | Greek poetry and intellectual history, gender studies | University of Washington | blondellu.washingtonedu |
Sandra Boeringher | Histoire grecque | Université de Strasbourg | Sandra.Boeringherwanadoofr |
Jean-Baptiste Bonnard | Histoire Ancienne | Université de Caen | jean-baptiste.bonnardunicaenfr |
Laurence Boulègue | Humanisme, littérature et pensée néolatines | Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) | laurence.boulegueu-picardiefr |
Laurel Bowman | Gender in Greek tragedy and Hellenistic poetry | University of Victoria | lbowmanuvicca |
Lovisa Brännstedt | Roman History | Lund University | lovisa.brannstedtklass.luse |
Susanna Braund >webpage | Classics | University of British Columbia | susanna.braundubcca |
Louise Bruit-Zaidmann | Histoire grecque | Université de Paris 7 | Louise.Bruitehessfr |
Joan B. Burton | Greek cultural history and literature | University of Maryland | jburton1umdedu |
Martínez López Cándida | Historia Antigua | Universidad de Granada | candidamugres |
Eva Cantarella | Diritto romano | Università di Milano | eva.cantarellaunimiit |
Margherita Carucci | Social and cultural History | Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies | m.c.caruccigmailcom |
Jean-Noël Castorio | Histoire ancienne | Université du Havre | jean-noel.castoriouniv-lehavrefr |
Francesca Cavaggioni | Storia Romana | Università di Padova | francesca.cavaggioniunipdit |
Claude-Emmanuelle Centlivres Challet | Histoire et littérature romaines | Université de Lausanne | claude-emmanuelle.centlivreschalletunilch |
Rosa Marie Cid López | Historia antigua | Universidad de Oviedo | rciduniovies |
Lisa Cordes >webpage | Latin Literature | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | lisa.cordeshu-berlinde |
Anna Chiara Corradino | Literature Comparée/Classical Reception | Università di Bologna-Università dell’Aquila-Humboldt Universität zu Berlin | annachiara.corradinouniboit |
Érica Couto-Ferreira | Assyriology and History of Ancient Medicine | Université d’Heidelberg | couto-ferreiraasia-europe.uni-heidelbergde |
Robert Cowan | Greek and Latin literature | University of Sydney | bob.cowansydney.eduau |
Cristina de la Escosura Balbás | Historia Antigua y Epigrafia | Universidad de Alcalá | cristina.escosurauahes |
Anne Debrosse | Littérature grecque et sa réception | Université de Poitiers | anne.debrosseuniv-poitiersfr |
Rita Degl’Innocenti Pierini | Letteratura latina | Università di Firenze | rpieriniunifiit |
Morena Deriu | Letteratura greca | Università di Cagliari | morena.deriugmailcom |
Lilian Doherty | Classics | University of Maryland | ldohertyumdedu |
Fanny Dolansky >webpage | Roman family history ; history of childhood ; Roman religion | Brock University | fdolanskybrockuca |
Elena Duce Pastor | Matrimonio en la Grecia Antigua | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | elena.duceuames |
Florence Dupont | Ethnopoétique (antiquité grecque et romaine) | Université de Paris 7 | latinjussieuaolcom |
Dorota Dutsch >webpage | Roman Comedy - Classical Reception | University of California | ddutschclassics.ucsbedu |
Caroline Eades | Cinéma et Antiquité | University of Maryland | ceadesumdedu |
Catharine Edwards | Roman cultural history and Latin literature | Birkbeck University of London | ubra133mail.bbk.acuk |
Nathalie Ernoult | Histoire grecque | Centre George Pompidou | Nathalie.Ernoultcentrepompidoufr |
Lourdes Conde Feitosa | Gender and sexuality studies | Universidade do Sagrado Coração - Brazil | loufeitosauol.combr |
Claudia N. Fernández | Literatura griega | Universidad Nacional de La Plata / CONICET | claudia.fernandezconicet.govar |
Pasquale Ferrara | Gender and Dionysian Studies | Universität Postdam | pasquale.ferrarauni-potsdamde |
Sarah Ferrario >webpage | Greek history and historiography | The Catholic University of America | FERRARIScuaedu |
Judith Fletcher | Issues of gender in Greek poetry and drama | Wilfrid Laurier University | jfletcherwluca |
Anna Foka | Greek literature | Umeå University | anna.fokaumuse |
Marco Formisano >webpage | Latin Literature ; Late antiquity | University of Gent | Marco.FormisanoUGentbe |
Lien Foubert | Women in the Roman World | Radboud University Nijmegen | l.foubertlet.runl |
Stavros Frangoulidis | Latin Novel, Roman Drama, Roman Historiography | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | frangoulidisgmailcom |
Regula Frei-Stolba | Histoire romaine et épigraphie latine | Université de Lausanne | regula.freistolbaunilch |
Françoise Frontisi-Ducroux | Approche anthropologique de l’imaginaire grec | Collège de France | francoise.frontisifreefr |
Kathy L. Gaca | Gender, Ethics, and Social Values (in antiquity and modernity) | Vanderbilt University | kathy.L.gacavanderbiltedu |
Sophie Gällnö >webpage | Papyrologie documentaire, études de genre en Grèce | Université de Genève | sophie.gallnounigech |
Tommaso Gazzari | Latin literature | Union College | gazzarrtunionedu |
Maria Gerolemou | Gender and drama | Open University of Cyprus | maria.gerolemououc.accy |
Elena Giusti | Latin Literature | University of Warwick | E.GiustiWarwick.acuk |
Allison Glazebrook | Prostitution in Ancient Greece | Brock University, Canada | aglazebrookbrockuca |
Liz Gloyn | Roman Literature | Royal Holloway, University of London | Liz.Gloynrhul.acuk |
Charlotte Golay | Histoire grecque | Université de Lausanne | charlotte.golayunilch |
Barbara Gold >webpage | Greek and latin literature, women in antiquity, feminist theory and classics | Hamilton College | bgoldledu |
Renee Gondek | Classical Art and Archaeology | George Washington University | mgondekumwedu |
Ellen Greene | Greek and Latin poetry | University of Oklahoma | egreeneouedu |
Farouk F. Grewing | Latin literature and literary theory | Universität Wien | farouk.grewingunivie.acat |
Lisa Hagelin | Roman social history, gender and slavery | Uppsala University | lisa.hagelingender.uuse |
Judith Hallett | Classics | University of Maryland | jephumdedu |
Irene Han | Greek literature and philosophy; gender and sexuality | NYU- Gallatin | ih472nyuedu |
Annette Harder | Greek Literature, particularly Hellenistic Poetry | University of Groningen | m.a.harderrugnl |
Ann-Catrin Harders | Alte Geschichte | Universität Bielefeld | ann-cathrin.hardersuni-bielefeldde |
Mary Harlow | Roman dress, gender and age and ageing | University of Leicester | maryeharlow1gmailcom |
Emily Hauser | Women in Antiquity, Greek and Latin poetry, Reception | Yale University | emily.hauseryaleedu |
Emily Hemelrijk | Roman Woman | University of Amsterdam | E.A.Hemelrijkuvanl |
Andrés Fabián Henao Castro | Greek tragedy and its reception in contemporary political theory | University of Massachusetts Boston | Andres.HenaoCastroumbedu |
Madeleine Henry >webpage | Women’s history, especially the history of prostitution | Iowa State University | mhenryiastateedu |
Brooke A. Holmes | Greek literature, philosophy, and the history of medicine ; gender and sexuality | Princeton University | bholmesPrincetonEDU |
Claire Jacqmin | Histoire ancienne | Université de Caen (CRAHAM) | clairejacqminyahoofr |
George Kavvadias | Greek archeology | National Archaeological Museum, Athens | gkavvadias2010gmailcom |
George Kazantzidis | Hellenistic and Latin Literature | University of Patras | george.kazantzidisouc.accy |
Jacqueline Klooster | Greek literature and Reception of Antiquity | University of Groningen | j.j.h.kloosterrugnl |
David Konstan >webpage | Classics and Comparative Literature | Brown University | David_Konstanbrownedu |
Francesca Lamberti | Diritto romano e diritti dell’antichità | Università del Salento (Lecce) | lamberti.fgmailcom |
Rebecca Langlands | Latin literature | University of Exeter | R.Langlandsexeter.acuk |
Donald Lateiner | Greek and Roman life & literature | Ohio Wesleyan University | dglateinowuedu |
Andrew Lear | History of gender and sexuality in ancient Greece | Pomona College | andrewlear2gmailcom |
Mireille M. Lee | Greek art and archaeology | Vanderbilt University | mireille.leevanderbiltedu |
Victoria Leonard | Late Antiquity | Royal Holloway, University of London | victoria.leonardrhul.acuk |
Brigitte Lion | Histoire du Proche-Orient ancien | Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne | brigitte.lionuniv-paris1fr |
Genevieve Liveley | Classics | University of Bristol | g.liveleybristol.acuk |
Helen Lovatt | Roman literature | University of Nottingham | Helen.LovattNottingham.acuk |
Bonnie MacLachlan >webpage | Greek literature, Greek Myth and Religion, Sex and Gender | University of Western Ontario | bmacluwoca |
Victoria Macura | Geschlecht, Prostitution und Ehebruch im klassischen Athen | Universität Postdam | victoria.macurauni-potsdamde |
Brigitte Maire >webpage | Histoire de la médecine antique (édition critique gynécologie antique) | Université de Lausanne | Brigitte.Maireunilch |
Jennifer Martinez | Classics and Ancient History | University of Liverpool | J.Martinezliverpool.acuk |
Simona Martorana | Latin Literature | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU) / Universität Hamburg | smartoranaemail.uni-kielde |
Ida Gilda Mastrorosa | Storia Romana | Università di Firenze | idagilda.mastrorosaunifiit |
Chris Ann Matteo | Comparative Literature and Classics ; Literature and the Arts | Women’s Classical Caucus | camatteomaccom |
Silvia Mattiacci | Letteratura latina | Università di Siena-Arezzo | mattiacciunisiit |
Rafał Matuszewski | Greek history | Leiden University | r.matuszewskihum.leidenunivnl |
Mairéad McAuley | Latin Literature, Gender Studies | University College London | m.mcauleyucl.acuk |
Laura McClure | Classics | University of Wisconsin | lmcclurewiscedu |
Francesca Mencacci | Letteratura latina | Università di Siena | mencacciunisiit |
Elena Merli | Letterature latina | Università dell’Aquila | merli.elenagmailcom |
Charilaos N. Michalopoulos | Latin Literature | Democritus University of Thrace | chmichalhelit.duthgr |
Allen Miller | Classics | University of South Carolina | pamillerscedu |
M Dolores Mirón Pérez | Historia y arqueología del mundo clásico | Universidad de Granada | dmironpugres |
Claudia Montepaone | Storia greca | Università di Napoli | montepaouninait |
Kit Morrell | Roman History | University of Queensland | k.morrelluq.eduau |
Judith Mossman | Greek literature | University of Nottingham | judith.mosmanconventry.akedu |
Glenn Most | Filologia greca | Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa/ Chicago | gmostsnsit |
Sheila Murnaghan | Greek poetry, gender in classical culture and classical reception | University of Pennsylvania | smurnaghsas.upennedu |
Jeffrey Murray | Latin Literature and Classical Reception Studies | University of KwaZulu-Natal / University of Cape Town | Murrayjukzn.acza |
Sara Myers | Latin literature | University of Virginia | ksm8mvirginiaedu |
Magdalena Myszkowska-Kaszuba | Greek Literature and Spartan social history | University of Wrocław | magdalena.myszkowskakaszubagmailcom |
Carole E. Newlands | Latin literature and Reception Studies | University of Colorado Boulder | carole.newlandscoloradoedu |
Anne-Sophie Noel | Théâtre grec | HiSoMA, UMR 5189, Lyon | anne-sophienoelorangefr |
Donncha O’Rourke | Latin Literature | Trinity College Dublin | donncha.orourketcdie |
Magdalena Öhrman | Latin literature | University of Wales Lampeter | m.ohrmanlamp.acuk |
Ellen Oliensis | Latin poetry & gender studies | University of Berkeley | eolienberkeleyedu |
Vassiliki Panoussi | Latin literature | The College of William and Mary | panoussiwmedu |
Dora Panteli | Littérature grecque | EHESS | Theodora.Panteliehessfr |
Nephele Papakonstantinou | Roman Rhetoric, Roman Cultural History, Gender Studies in Antiquity | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | nephpapphil.uoagr |
Florence Pasche Guignard >web page | Science des religions | Université Laval, Québec | Florence.Pasche-Guignardftsr.ulavalca |
Pascal Payen | Histoire grecque | Université de Toulouse | payenuniv-tlse2fr |
Giulia Pedrucci | storia delle religioni, antropologia culturale | Università di Bologna | giulia.pedrucciuniboit |
Walter D. Penrose, Jr. | History of Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greece | San Diego State University | wpenrosemail.sdsuedu |
Cristina Pepe | Filologia Classica | Università degli studi della Campania | cristina.pepeunicampaniait |
Sylvie Perceau | Langue et Littératures grecques | Université de Picardie-Jules Verne | sperceausfrfr |
Gabriella Pironti | Grèce ancienne – Polythéisme | università di Napoli | gabriella.pirontiephe.psleu |
Elena Porciani | Gender in Classical Reception | Università degli studi della Campania | elena.porcianiunicampaniait |
Francesca Prescendi | Anthropologie et histoire des religions (Grèce et Rome) | Université de Genève | francesca.prescendiephe.psleu |
Yopie Prins >webpage | Comparative Literature, English Literature ; Classics ; Translation Studies | University of Michigan | yprinsumichedu |
Elina Pyy | Littérature latine, histoire romaine et gender studies | Université d’Elsinski | elina.pyyhelsinkifi |
Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz | Greek tragedy - women in vase painting - Gender and sexuality studies | Hamilton College | nrabinowhamiltonedu |
Stacie Raucci | Research Specialties : Latin literature, reception studies | Union College, Schenectady, NY, USA | rauccisunionedu |
Victoria Rimell | Latin literature | Università di Roma La Sapienza | vrimellhotmailit |
Elsa Rodriguez Cidre | Tragedia griega - Eurípides - Estudios de género en la antigüedad | Universidad de Buenos Aires | elsarodriguez022gmailcom |
Francesca Rohr | Storia romana | Università Ca' Foscari Venezia | rohruniveit |
Silvia Romani | Letteratura greca | Università di Torino | silvia.romaniunitoit |
Meike Rühl | Klassische Philologie mit Schwerpunkt Latein/Genderforschung Roman literature and gender studies | Universität Osnabrück | meike.ruehluni-osnabrueckde |
Carmen Ruiz Vivas | Historia Antigua | Universidad de Granada | carmenruvivasugres |
Ian Rutherford | Ancient Greek literature and Near Eastern religion | University of Reading | i.c.rutherfordreading.acuk |
Irene Salvo | Gender in Greek inscriptions | University of London | salvoirenegmailcom |
Thomas Sapford | classical literature, history of sexuality, performance | University of Southern California | taspasforbatesedu |
Tanja Scheer | Ancient religion, Ancient gender history | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | tanja.scheeruni-goettingende |
Judith Lynn Sebesta | Roman literature and studies, women in antiquity | University of South Dakota | Jsebestausdedu |
Thea Selliaas Thorsen | Greek and Roman Literature | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | thea.selliaas.thorsenntnuno |
John Serrati | Greek and Roman Gender | University of Ottawa | jserratiuottawaca |
Francesco Silla | Diritto romano | Università di Foggia | francesco.sillaunifgit |
Mathilde Skoie | Latin poetry , reception and history of scholarship | University of Oslo | mathilde.skoieifikk.uiono |
Ineke Sluiter | Greek | Leiden University | i.sluiterhum.leidenunivnl |
Amy Smith | Ancient art | University of Reading | a.c.smithreading.acuk |
Efrossini Spentzou | Classics | University of London | e.spentzourhul.acuk |
Darja Sterbenc Erker >webpage | Latin literature, ancient religions and gender | Humbolt Universität Berlin | |
Roberta Stewart | Roman government and religion ; Roman slavery | Dartmouth College | Roberta.StewartDartmouthEdu |
Anise K. Strong >webpage | Roman social history, gender and sexuality | Western Michigan University | anise.strongwmichedu |
Davide Susanetti | Teatro greco | Università di Padova | davide.susanettialiceit |
Elena Theodorakopoulos | Greek and Roman Literature | University of Birmingham | E.M.THEODORAKOPOULOSbham.acuk |
Georgia Tsouvala >webpage | Plutarch, women, Roman Greece, inscriptions | Illinois State University | gtsouvailstuedu |
Stefanie Van der Gracht | Sexuality and gender in Antiquity | University of Calgary | slvanderucalgaryca |
Alessandra Valentini | Storia romana, storia delle donne nel mondo romano | Università Ca' Foscari Venezia | valentiniuniveit |
Marc Vandersmissen | Littératures grecque et latine | Université de Liège | mvandersmissenulg.acbe |
Gabriella Vanotti | Storia greca e romana | Università del Piemonte Orientale | gabriella.vanottilett.unipmnit vanottigabriellainterfreeit |
Giulia Vettori | Storia romana | Università di Trento | giulia.vettoriunitnit |
Bella Vivante >webpage | Women in Antiquity : Women’s Ritual Roles and Literary Images, Women in Ancient Sparta | University of Arizona | bvivanteemail.arizonaedu |
Beate Wagner-Hasel | Alte Geschichte | Universität von Hannover | Wagner-haselhist.uni-hannoverde |
Christine Walde | Roman Literature | Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz | waldecuni-mainzde |
Lewis Webb | Roman history; gender history; material culture of Etruria and Thessaly | Somerville College, University of Oxford and University of Gothenburg | lewis.webbclassics.ox.acuk |
Tara S. Welch | Latin literature | University of Kansas | tswelchkuedu |
Anne-Gabrielle Wersinger | Philosophie ancienne | Université de Reims-Champagne-Ardennes | anne-gabriele.wersingeruniv-reimsfr |
Marie Widmer | Histoire grecque | Université de Lausanne | marie.widmerunilch |
Craig Williams | Latin literature | Brooklyn College and CUNY Graduate Center | cawllmsillinoisedu |
Serena Witzke | New Comedy and Reception | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | serena.witzkegmailcom |
Rosie Wyles | Gender and Reception in the Classics | King’s college | rosiewylesgmailcom |
Naoko Yamagata | Homer and his reception | The Open University | n.yamagataopen.acuk |
Froma I. Zeitlin | Greek Language & Literature, Comparative Literature | 141 E Pyne Princeton University | fizPrincetonedu |