Presentazione della rete

EuGeStA è una rete di ricerca internazionale formata da ricercatori europei che lavorano, secondo le prospettive sviluppate negli studi di genere, nei diversi ambiti disciplinari dell’Antichità: letteratura, filosofia, storia, storia dell’arte, storia delle religioni, diritto, medicina, economia, archeologia…

Le Università affiliate e i loro responsabili sono attualmente:

Bâle (Henriette Harich), Berne (Thomas Späth), Exeter (Rebecca Langlands), Fribourg (Véronique Dasen), Lille (Jacqueline Fabre-Serris e Florence Klein), Manchester (Alison Sharrock), Munich (Therese Fuhrer), Open University (James Robson), Paris 1 (Violaine Sebillotte-Cuchet), Toronto (Alison Keith), Turin (Federica Bessone) e l’UCLA (Giulia Sissa). 

Le attività svolte sono di due tipi:

  • organizzazione di colloqui a rotazione nelle varie Università affiliate
    si veda il documento: accord coopération réseau Gender Studies (pdf)
  • animazione di un sito web che mira a promuovere contatti e scambi tra ricercatori, dottorandi e studenti.


Notizie recenti

  • ICS Ancient History Seminar - Summer Term 2023/24
    (25 April – 2 May – 9 May – 23 May – 30 May)
    Thursdays from 4.30 pm APART FROM 2 MAY WHEN WE START AT 3PM, G35, Senate House, University of London
    Sexual(ised) Violence in Antiquity – New Approaches
    The 1990s saw the beginnings of an interest in investigating rape and sexual violence in Antiquity with a particular concern with classifying specific acts and on whether or not to define an act as one of 'rape' while (often leaving 'sexual violence' un-marked). Recent years have seen a turn towards (i.) broader explorations of acts of power and control expressed in a sexual way and (ii.) a deeper understanding of how socialisation processes perpetuate power imbalances. As a result, ancient historians and classicists are starting to explore the contexts in which violence was sexualised in Antiquity. This new research is challenging the assumptions that guided earlier studies which - seeming pioneering at the time – were, it appears, often projecting 1990s concepts onto ancient evidence. The summer term’s seminar – which will fall thirty years after a 1994 symposium on rape in Antiquity in Cardiff - will contribute to conversations about current directions in research and seek to map out new avenues of inquiry.

    For queries or further information, please contact Susan Deacy (susan.deacybristol.acuk) or Paola Ceccarelli (p.ceccarelliucl.acuk).
    > Per sapene di più (PDF, 217 Ko)

  • EuGeStA Project - Gender Studies and Classical Scholarship - Ovid and the feminisms
    organized by J. Fabre-Serris and A. Keith, 26-27 April 2024
    (Jacqueline Fabre-Serris, Alison Keith, Sara Lindheim, Simona Martorana, Carole Newlands, Ellen Oliensis, Alison Sharrock, Thea Sellias Thorsen)
    > Access this event by Zoom
    > See the program of this event "Ovid and the feminism" (PDF, 123 Ko)
    > See the abstracts of this event "Ovid and the feminism" (PDF, 254 Ko)

  • The Women’s Classical Committee UK is pleased to announce its 2024 Annual General Meeting, ‘Labour and Rest‘, on Friday 3rd May 2024, at Durham University. The day will feature a keynote talk by Professor Edith Hall (Durham), as well as a series of short spotlight talks. 

    The AGM will be held in a hybrid format: please register for the event on TicketSource
    If you select to attend via Zoom, you will receive details closer to the date.

    People of any gender expression or identity who support the WCC UK’s aims are welcome to attend this event, and more information on this can be found on our website:
    Around the website you can also find more information on the Women’s Classical Committee UK, including our aims and activities and how to join.

  • "Who’s That Girl?- Portraits of Hetairai between Hellenistic and Imperial Ages",
    Conferenza organizzata da Effrosyni Tsakou e Roberto Di-Tuccio presso l'Università di Duhram, il 20 e 21 giugno 2024
    > Per sapene di più

  • Programme of the Oxford Classics faculty research seminar in languages and literature. The theme is 'Taboos and Transitions: Exploring Sexualities and Genders in the Ancient Tradition'
    The regular seminar will be 4-5.30pm on Fridays in the Ioannou Centre Lecture Theatre, 66 St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3LU
    > Per sapene di più


  • V. Moro, Il teatro della polis. Filosofia dell'agonismo tragico, Pisa: ETS, 2024.
  • Brill, S. and Mc. Keen, C. (2024) The Routledge Handbook of Women and Ancient Greek Philosophy, London.
  • Boulègue, L. (forthcoming), Equicola, Mario, De mulieribus/Des femmes, intr. et éd. L. Boulègue, trad. L. Boulègue et L. Claire, notes L. Boulègue, M. Brouillet, N. Catellani, L. Claire, A. Duru, A. Lamy, Paris, Les Belles Lettres (coll. « Les Classiques de l’humanisme »).
  • Emily Hemelrijk, Women and Society in the Ancient World, Cambridge, July 2023, new paperback edition
  • Cornwell A. and G. Woolf (2023) Gendering Roman Imperialism, Brill, Leiden.
  • Pope, M. (2023) Lucretius and the End of Masculinity, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Racette-Campbell, M. (2023) The Crisis of Masculinity in the Age of Augustus, Wisconsin studies in classics, Madison.

Pubblicazioni (...)

Proposte di contributi

  • Call for papers for the International Congress: Women and Writing in the Roman West
    Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa - 21st & 22nd November 2024
    We invite those interested in participating to send a proposal (no more than 300 words) together with a short biographical note to womenandwritingcongressgmailcom before May 1st, 2024. We accept proposals in English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, and German.
    > Per saperne di più (PDF, 49,5 Ko)

  • Call for workshop participants: Queer, feminist, and decolonial approaches to gender, sexuality and Roman Imperialism
    Institute of Classical Studies, London - October 2024
    Si prega di inviare titoli e abstract di massimo 250 parole, insieme al proprio nome e affiliazione, a entro venerdì 5 aprile 2024 (romansexualityworkshopgmailcom).
    > Per saperne di più
