6. Conferences and other events

Official conferences

Conferences and Workshops will be organized, once or twice a year, by zoom and in a hybrid form on different themes related to three major approaches.

  1. Gender Studies in Antiquity from the 70s to today: biographies of scholars and discussions on major approaches and works
  2. On the renewed approaches and innovative perspectives in Gender Studies in the different disciplinary fields

    First Conference, organized online by J. Fabre-Serris and F. Klein: Rewriting ancient myths in the 20th and 21th centuries: Gender perspectives and modern concerns (24-25 January 2025)
    > See the program (PDF, 185 Ko)
    > See the abstracts (PDF, 263 Ko)
    > Join Zoom Meeting with this link.
  3. How to de-construct stereotypes and prejudices in traditional approaches in Antiquity?

Other Events

The network resulting from the project will encourage other collaborative works (meetings, books, papers…) left to the free initiative of each researcher.

1) Cycle of meetings

A cycle of meetings is one of the activities of the Project EuGeStA Gender Studies and Classical Scholarship. It consists of a cycle of four online meetings (by zoom) throughout the year, in order to publicize publications related to Gender and Classics. 

Each session will last 1h20 (extended to 1h30 min, if necessary) and will include 2 publications presented by their authors and/or organizers. The sessions will be recorded, and it will be broadcast on the YouTube channel connected to the Project website.

Link to the Youtube channel.

The sessions will always have this structure:

  • 5 min: Chair: Introduction: General information about the program, the guest researchers and the subject of the session.
  • 15 min. First speaker(s)
  • 15 min. Second speaker(s) 
  • 10 min:  respondent/commentator of the first speaker(s)
  • 10 min:  respondent/commentator of the first speaker(s)
  • 25 min. general discussion between speakers and public (questions and comments by chat)

Very important: the respondent will concentrate on important aspects of the book, of its subject or thesis (she/he will not present a detailed analysis or review).

This series of meetings will be chaired in its first year by Maria Cecilia de Miranda N. Coelho, (Philosophy/Federal University of Minas Gerais) one of organizers it and a member of the editorial committee of this project coordinated by Jacqueline Serris-Fabre (University of Lille).

First session: March 8 (Friday, Women's Day)

Hour: 11h (USA/NYC GMT -5) – 13h (South America/Belo Horizonte GMT -3) – 17h (Europe/France GMT+

 To receive the zoom link feel this google form (link), until March 1

> See the poster

Second Session: May 17 (Friday)

Hour: 10h (USA/NYC GMT -5) – 12h (South America/Belo Horizonte GMT -3) – 16h (Europe/France GMT+1)


Third Session: 16 September (Monday)

Hour: 10h (USA/NYC GMT -5) – 12h (South America/Belo Horizonte GMT -3) – 17h (Europe/France GMT+1)

Zoom Link:  to receive it, please, fill the google form (DL: September 13)

Past sessions can be seen here  (Eugesta Project Youtube channel)

> See the poster


Fourth Session: November 27 (Wednesday)

Hour: 11h (USA/NYC) – 11h Canada - 13h - (South America/Belo Horizonte) – 17h (Europe/France)

  • Speaker 1: Anique Hamelink - The public lives of ancient women (500 BC6-650 CE)
  • Speaker 2:  Tais Pagoto Bélo – The Strength of Roman Women Through Coins and a Feminist Critique From the Past to the Present
  • Respondent 1: María Rosa Cid López
  • Respondent 2: Filippo Carlà-Uhink
  •   Chair: Maria Cecília de Miranda Nogueira Coelho

Zoom Link:  to receive it, please, fill the google form (DL: November 24)

> See the poster (PNG - 375 Ko)


Fifth Session: March 28 (Friday)

Hour: 11h (USA/NYC) – 11h Canada - 13h - (South America/Belo Horizonte) – 17h (Europe/France)

  • Speakers 1: Alonso Fernández, Zoa, Sarah Olsen. Imprints of dance in ancient Greece and Rome.
  • Speakers 2:  K. Frank, G. Gilles, C. Plastow, and L. Webb (eds), Female Agency in the Ancient Mediterranean
  • Respondent 1: Ruth Webb
  • Respondent 2: Maria Cristina de la Escosura
  •   Chair: Maria Cecília de Miranda Nogueira Coelho


Technical assistance:
Caio Franco Assunção (undergradute student in Philosophy/Federal University of Minas Gerais)
Daniela Brinati  (PhD Student in Philosophy/Federal University of Minas Gerais)

2) The series of 2 Days Meetings

2 Days Meetings will be organized on various topics. Each program will bring together 8 participants from different geographical areas: 4 participants on Friday and 4 participants on Saturday (see the suggested meeting format)

All network’s members interested in organizing a 2 Days-meeting are free to choose the topic, participants, date, and language(s).

Participants are encouraged to share their screen when reading their papers to enable better understanding of the audience especially if different languages are used during these 2 Days Meetings.

To propose a 2 Days-meeting, send an email to J. Fabre-Serris

Papers can be collected by the organizers into special issues, submitted to the journals of their choice.


• Ovid and the feminisms, organized by J. Fabre-Serris and A. Keith, 26-27 April
(Jacqueline Fabre-Serris, Alison Keith, Sara Lindheim, Simona Martorana, Carole Newlands, Ellen Oliensis, Alison Sharrock, Thea Sellias Thorsen)

As noted by Alison Sharrock, “Ovidian corpus provides a particularly rich site for gendered study”. Since the 70s, Ovid’s work has been examined from various perspectives: portraits of women, constructions of femininity and masculinity, motherhood, sexuality, women’s writing, female voices/silence, rape and violence, female cults, love relations, queer theory, social interactions, reception in literature and cinema, and more recently, postcolonialism, ecofeminism, posthumanism.

This mini-meeting brings together European and North-American researchers, who will focus on how Ovid’s work has been discussed and can be today discussed in relation with the ‘feminisms’, understood in a broad sense as the different ways in which feminist/gender perspectives at different times have been developed in reading ancient male authors.

> Access this event by Zoom

> See the program of this event "Ovid and the feminism" (PDF, 123 Ko)
> See the abstracts of this event "Ovid and the feminism" (PDF, 254 Ko)


• Violence against Women / La violenza contro le donne, organized by Beatrice Girotti, Alessandra Valentini and Valentina Uglietti, 24-25 october
(Sara Borello, Erica Filippini, Beatrice Girotti, Cecilia Mambrioni, Manuala Mongardi, Sofia Piacentin, Elena Pyy, Valentina Uglietti, Alessandra Valentini)

Access this event by Zoom:

> 24 october from 16.30
ID riunione: 86266908185
Pw: 771609

> 25 october from 16.30
ID riunione: 82971605917
Pw: 143629

> See the program of this event (PDF,  133 Ko)
> See the abstracts of this event (PDF, 180 Ko)

• Women and Roman historiography, organized by Lewis Webb and Olivia Elder – 8-9 November 2024

> Access this event by Zoom
Meeting ID: 228 596 1363
Passcode: 49960

> See the program of this event (PDF, 150 Ko)


Gender and Sexuality in Classical Antiquity -- organized by Sarah Azevedo and Marina Cavicchioli - 6-7 june 2025

Modern Masculinities and the Reception of Antiquity - organized by Alastair Blanshard and Filippo Carlà-Uhink - 6-7 November 2025

On Motherhood - Topic to precise - organized by Sara Borello and Simona Martorana

On medecine - Topic to precise - organized by Lesley Dean-Jones and Helen King


If you are interested in organizing a 2-Days meeting, please send an email to Jacqueline Fabre-Serris

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