About Eugesta

EuGeStA is an international network which brings together European researchers working from the perspectives developed in Gender Studies in different disciplinary fields of Antiquity : literature, philosophy, history, history of art, history of religion, law, medicine, economics, archaeology…

The institutional members of EuGeStA are the universities of

Basel (Lead: Henriette Harich), Bern (Lead:Thomas Späth), Exeter (Lead: Rebecca Langlands), Fribourg (Lead: Véronique Dasen), Lille (lead: Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Florence Klein), Manchester (Lead: Alison Sharrock), Munich (Lead: Therese Fuhrer), the Open University (Lead : James Robson), Paris 1 (Lead: Violaine Sebillotte-Cuchet), Toronto (Lead: Alison Keith), Turin (Lead: Federica Bessone) and UCLA (Lead: Giulia Sissa).

There are two kinds of activities undertaken :

  • the organisation of seminars rotating between the partner universities of the network
    Related document (pdf)
  • the maintenance of a website which is concerned to promote contacts and exchanges between researchers and students.


How about

  • The Ancient Wrath of Ares: Studies in Euripides' Phoenician Women
    This online-only conference, convened by Edith Hall and Rosie Wyles (Durham) and Vayos Liapis (Open University of Cyprus), in collaboration with the Oxford APGRD, will take place on Thursday, October 17 -- Friday, October 18, 2024. The conference was prompted by the summer 2024 production of Phoenissae by the Cyprus Theatre Organisation, directed by Magdalena Zira; the production was timed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus.
    To register to receive the Zoom links please email Dr Rosie Wyles at mary.r.wylesdurham.acuk
    > Programme (PDF - 99 Ko)

  • 2 Days Meetings organized as a Part of the Project EuGeStA - Gender studies and classical ScholarshipOctober 24-25
    Violence against Women / La violenza contro le donne, organized by Beatrice Girotti, Alessandra Valentini and Valentina Uglietti, 24-25 october
    Access this event by Zoom:
    > 24 october from 16.30
    ID riunione: 86266908185
    Pw: 771609
    > 25 october from 16.30
    ID riunione: 82971605917
    Pw: 143629
    > See the program of this event (PDF,  133 Ko)
    > See the abstracts of this event (PDF, 180 Ko)

  • Fourth Session of the cycle of meetings organized as a part of EuGeStA - Gender Studies and Classical Scholarship - November 27 (Wednesday)
    Hour: 11h (USA/NYC) – 11h Canada - 13h - (South America/Belo Horizonte) – 17h (Europe/France)
    - Speaker 1: Anique Hamelink - The public lives of ancient women (500 BC6-650 CE)
    - Speaker 2:  Tais Pagoto Bélo – The Strength of Roman Women Through Coins and a Feminist Critique From the Past to the Present
    - Respondent 1: María Rosa Cid López
    - Respondent 2: Filippo Carlà-Uhink
    -   Chair: Maria Cecília de Miranda Nogueira Coelho
    Zoom Link:  to receive it, please, fill the google form (DL: November 24)
    > See the poster (PNG - 375 Ko)

  • The next EuGeStA network symposium, organized by Florence Gherchanoc, will take place in early 2026.


  • Z. Alonso Fernández and S. Olsen (2024) Imprints of dance in ancient Greece and Rome. Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

  • H. King (2024) Immaculate Forms: Uncovering the history of women’s bodies, Profile Books.
  • S. Martorana, Seeking the Mothers in Ovid's Heroides, Cornell University Press.
  • F. Prescendi (2024) Lupae. Présences féminines autour de Romulus et Rémus, Brepols

  • G. Gilles, K. Frank, C. Plastow, L. Webb (eds) 2024, Female Agency in the Ancient Mediterranen World, Women in Ancient Cultures,Liverpool.
  • V. Moro, Il teatro della polis. Filosofia dell'agonismo tragico, Pisa: ETS, 2024.
  • Brill, S. and Mc. Keen, C. (2024) The Routledge Handbook of Women and Ancient Greek Philosophy, London.
  • Boulègue, L. (forthcoming), Equicola, Mario, De mulieribus/Des femmes, intr. et éd. L. Boulègue, trad. L. Boulègue et L. Claire, notes L. Boulègue, M. Brouillet, N. Catellani, L. Claire, A. Duru, A. Lamy, Paris, Les Belles Lettres (coll. « Les Classiques de l’humanisme »).

Read more (publications)

Call for papers

  • Call for papers at the CCC 2025: Female letter writers and addressees in Graeco-Roman antiquity (Celtic Conference in Coimbra, 15-18 July 2025)
    Please send a provisional title and an abstract of no more than 250 words by Thursday 24 October 2024 to jsoldoed.acuk and Gavin.Kellyed.acuk
    > Pour en savoir plus (PDF - 117 Ko)

  • Call for papers Female voices in a public context: authorial articulation and mimetic representation in ancient Greek literature
    Organizers: Giambattista D’Alessio, Luigi Battezzato, Cristina Pepe
    Place: University of Naples Federico II - Dates: June 24-26, 2025
    Proposals for 20-minute presentations in English, to be followed by 10-minute discussion, should be submitted to the Organizing Secretary (convegnofemalevoicesgmailcom) in the form of an anonymous abstract (max. 300 words, *.pdf file), with a brief bibliography, not longer than 10 items, by 30 October 2024. We will inform all applicants of our decision by 20 December 2024.
    > To know more (PDF - 94 Ko)

  • On 17-18 October 2024, Edith Hall (Durham University) and Vayos Liapis (Open University of Cyprus) will be convening a fully online conference on Euripides’ Phoenician Women, prompted by the summer 2024 production of the Cyprus Theatre Organisation and directed by Magdalena Zira, which has been timed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus.
    Abstracts are invited of 300 words addressing any dimension of the tragedy, including both its aesthetic, social, moral political aspects within the original context of its production and its subsequent performance and reception history.
    It is intended to publish an edited collection of essays based on the conference papers.
    PhD students and Early Career Researchers are warmly encouraged to submit. Please send abstracts to edith.halldurham.acuk by 1st August 2024. Responses and invitations will be sent out on 1st September 2024.

Read more