Books 2020-2024
Brill, S. (2020) Aristotle on the Concept of Shared Life, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Dutsch, D. (2020) Pythagorean Women Philosophers: Between Belief and Suspicion. Oxford UP.
Iriarte, A. (2020) Feminidades y convivencia en la antigua Grecia, Síntesis, Madrid.
Kyriakou, I. (2020) Généalogies épiques. Les fonctions de la parenté et les femmes ancêtres dans la poésie épique grecque archaïque. Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 134, De Gruyter, Berlin-Boston.
López Gregoris, R. y Macías, C. (eds) (2020) The Hero Reloaded. The Reinvention of the Classical Hero in Contemporary Mass Media, John Benjamins, colección IVITRA.
Plotke, S. und Schierl, P. (eds) (2020) De mulieribus claris – Gebildete Frauen – bedeutende Frauen – vergessene Frauen, IPHIS: Beiträge zur altertumswissenschaftlichen Genderforschung, Bd. 9, Trier.
Sharrock, A. and Keith, A. (eds) (2020) Maternal Conceptions in Classical Literature and Philosophy, University of Toronto Press, Toronto.
Valdés, M. (2020) Prácticas rituales y discursos femeninos en Atenas. Los espacios sacros de la gyne, Universidad de Sevilla., Sevilla.
Wagner-Hasel, B. (2020) The Fabric of Gifts. Culture and Politics of Giving and Exchange in Archaic Greece. Übersetzung aus dem Deutschen von Elena Theodorakopoulos (= revised edition of Der Stoff der Gaben. Kultur und Politik des Schenkens und Tauschens im Archaischen Griechenland, Frankfurt – New York: Campus 2000), Zea Books: Lincoln, Nebraska 2020.
Ancona R. and Tsouvala, G. (eds) (2021) New Directions in the Study of Women in the Greco-Roman World, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Bradey, M., Leonard, V. and Totelin, L. (2021) Bodily fluids in Antiquity. Routledge, London.
Feichtinger, B. und M. Revellio (eds) (2021) Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften: Von erzählten Reisen und reisenden Erzählungen, IPHIS: Beiträge zur altertumswissenschaftlichen Genderforschung, Band 10, Trier.
Giusti, E. and Rimmel, V. (2021) Vergil in the Feminine, Vergilius 67 (special issue).
Glazebrook, A. (2021) Sexual Labor in the Athenian Courts, Austin.
Gold, B. and Lively, G. (eds) (2021) A Guide to Latin Elegy and Lyric, Blackwell.
Harder, M. A., Klooster, J.J.H., Regtuit, R. F. & Wakker, G.C. (eds) (2021) Women and Power in Hellenistic Poetry, Hellenistica Groningana 26, Peeters.
Hemelrijk, E.A. (2021) Women and Society in the Roman World, Cambridge.
Hemelrijk, E.A. (2021) Verborgen levens, publieke figuren. Romeinse vrouwen buiten Rome, Amsterdam: Athenaeum.
Henao-Castro, A. (2021) Antigone in the Americas: Democracy, Sexuality and Death in the Settler Colonial Context, New York.
Huebner, Sabine R. and David M. Ratzan (eds) (2021) Missing Mothers: Maternal absence in Antiquity, Peeters, Leuven.
Kamen, D and C.W. Marshall, C.W. (eds) (2021) Slavery and sexuality in classical antiquity. Madison.
Kapparis, K. (2021) Women in the law courts of classical Athens, University of Edinburgh Press, Edinburgh.
Miller, P.A. (2021) Foucault’s Seminars on Antiquity: Learning to Speak the Truth, Bloomsbury.
Neri, C. (2021) Saffo: Testimonianze e frammenti. De Gruyter, Berlin.
Pasche Guignard, F., Pedrucci, G., Engelmajer, P. and Sarkar, S. (eds) (2021) Beyond Mother Goddesses: New Directions for International Scholarship on Motherhood in Religious Studies.
Pavón, P. (ed) (2021) Conditio feminae. Imágenes de la realidad femenina en el mundo romano, Quasar, Roma.
Schultz, C.E. (2021) Fulvia: playing for power at the end of the Roman Republic, Women in Antiquity, Oxford University Press, New-York.
Sissa, G. (2021) Le pouvoir des femmes, O. Jacob, Paris.
Boehringer, S. and Lorenzini, D. (2022), Foucault, Sexuality, Antiquity, Routledge.
Brill, S. and McKeen, C. (eds) (2022) The Routledge Handbook on Women and Ancient Greek Philosophy, Routledge.
Centlivres-Challet, C.-E. (ed) (2022) Married Life in Greco-Roman Antiquity, Routledge, New-York and London.
Díez Jorge, E y Martínez López, C. (eds) (2022) Las mujeres y los discursos de paz en la Historia, Peter Lang, Berlin.
Harich-Schwarzbauer, H. und Scheidegger Lämmle, C. (eds) (2022) Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften. Women and Objects in Antiquity, Trier.
Henao-Castro, A. (2022) The Militant Intellect: Critical Theory’s Conceptual Personae, Rowman & Littlefield, New-York
Homes, B. and Ghouse, N. (2022) Coming to Know, Archive Books, Milan.
Lesser, R. H. (2022) Desire in the Iliad: The Force that Moves the Epic and Its Audience, Oxford.
Masterson, M. (2022) Between Byzantine Men: Desire, Homosociality, and Brotherhood in the Medieval Empire, Routledge, London.
McClintock, A. (2022) La ricchezza femminile e la ‘lex Voconia’, « L’arte del diritto 49 », Jovene, Napoli.
Sapsford, T. (2022) Performing the Kinaidos: Unmanly Men in Ancient Mediterranean Cultures, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Sebillotte Cuchet, V. (2022) Artémise, une femme capitaine de vaisseaux en Grèce antique, Fayard, Paris.
Serafim, A., Kazantzidis, G., & Demetriou, K. (eds) (2022) Sex and the Ancient City: Sex and Sexual Practices in Greco-Roman Antiquity, De Gruyter, Berlin
Cornwell A. and G. Woolf (2023) Gendering Roman Imperialism, Brill, Leiden.
Cox, F. and Taylor, E. (eds) (2023) Ovid in French. Reception by Women from the Renaissance to the Present, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Deriu, M. (ed) (2023) Fìmmine (… ci vogliono occhi per taliarle), Quaderni camilleriani, Cagliari, vol. 19.
Gazzarri, T. and Weiner, J. (eds) (2023) Searching for the Cinaedus in Classical Antiquity, Brill, Leiden.
Gherchanoc, F. et Villacèque, N. (eds) (2023) Le genre du luxe dans l’Antiquité grecque, dossier dans Mètis, N. S. 21.
Han, I. (2023) One Hundred and One Nights: Plato and the Metaphysical Feminine, Oxford University Press: Classics in Theory, Oxford.
Moore, K.R. (2023) The Routledge Companion to the Reception of Greek and Roman Gender and Sexuality, Routledge, London.
Ormand, K., Lindheim, S. and Haselswerdt E. (eds) (2023) Handbook of Classics and Queer Theory, Routledge.
Pello, C. and O'Reilly, K. (eds) (2023) Ancient Women Philosophers: Recovered ideas and New Perspectives, Cambridge UP, Cambridge.
Pope, M. (2023) Lucretius and the End of Masculinity, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Racette-Campbell, M. (2023) The Crisis of Masculinity in the Age of Augustus, Wisconsin studies in classics, Madison.
Racette-Campbell, M. and McMaster A. (eds) (2023) Toxic Masculinity in the Ancient World. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Weiner, J. and Gazzari, T. (eds) (2023) Searching for the Cinaedus in Classical Rome, Brill.
Alonso Fernández, Z. and Olsen, S. (2024) Imprints of dance in ancient Greece and Rome. Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Boulègue, L. et S. Gambino-Longo, S. (eds) (2024) Dossier thématique La questione femminile nel pensiero e nella rappresentazione degli umanisti (italia-francia), Rassegna europea di letteratura italiana, n° 59-60.
Martorana, S. (2024) Seeking the Mothers in Ovid’s Heroides, Cornell University Press: Ithaca, NY.
Miller, P. A. (2024) Truth in the Late Foucault: Antiquity, Sexuality, and Psychoanalysis. London: Bloomsbury, 2024.
Boulègue, L. (forthcoming), Equicola, Mario, De mulieribus/Des femmes, intr. et éd. L. Boulègue, trad. L. Boulègue et L. Claire, notes L. Boulègue, M. Brouillet, N. Catellani, L. Claire, A. Duru, A. Lamy, Paris, Les Belles Lettres (coll. « Les Classiques de l’humanisme »).
Gilles, G., Frank, K., Plastow, C., Webb, L. (eds) (2024) Female Agency in the Ancient Mediterranen World, Women in Ancient Cultures,Liverpool.
King, H. (2024) Immaculate Forms: Uncovering the history of women’s bodies, Profile Books.
Myers, S. (forthcoming 2024) Ancient Roman Literary Gardens: Gender, Genre, and Geopoetics, Oxford University Press.
Penrose, W. (2024) Special Issue Guest Editor: “Queer/Feminist Representations and Receptions of Amazons.” Journal of Lesbian Studies vol. 28 no. 2: 202-304.
Prescendi, F. (2024) Lupae. Présences féminines autour de Romulus et Rémus, Brepols