Articles 2020-2024
Balmaceda, C. (2020) “Las mujeres de Livio: exempla pasado y presente”. Intus-legere: historia, Vol. 14, n°, 168-89.
Cid López, R. M. (2020) “Acte, la concubina de Nerón. Una liberta en la domus Augustaen”, in F. Reduzzi Merola, M. V. Bramante et A. Caravaglios (eds), Le realtà della schiavitù : identità e biografie da Eumeo a Frederick Douglass. Les réalités de l’esclavage : identités et biographies d’Eumée à Frederick Douglass, Napoli, 391-411.
Cowan, R. (2020) “When mothers turn bad: the perversion of the maternal ideal in Sophocles’ Eurypylus’”, in P.J. Finglass and Lyndsay Coo (eds), Female Characters in Fragmentary Greek Tragedy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 139–61.
Cowan, R. (2020) “An Ugly Cow with Big Feet: Sex, Metre and Genre in Georgics 3”, Classical Quarterly 70, 717–23.
Delbueno, S. (2020) “La recepción del mito de Medea en la marginación de una mujer: “Patrón” de Abelardo Castillo”, Synthesis 27, n°2.
De Marre, M. (2020) “Warfare and Women in the Ancient World”, Akroterion 65, 1-44.
Heano-Castro, A. (2020) “Can the Palestinian Antigone Grieve? A Political Reinterpretation of Judith Butler’s Ethical Turn”, Settler Colonial Studies 10.1, 94-109.
Keith, A. (2020) “Virgilian Matres: From Maternal Lament to Female Sedition in Aeneid”, in A. Sharrock and A. Keith (eds, Maternal Conceptions in Classical Literature and Philosophy, University of Toronto Press, Toronto (Phoenix Supplementary Volumes, 57), 243-69.
Klein, F. (2020) “Νωδυνία : l’Oubli des Souffrances Maternelles et le Chant Théocritéen, d’Alcmène (Id. 24) à Bérénice (Id. 17) ”, in A. Sharrock et A. Keith (eds), Maternal Conceptions in Classical Literature and Philosophy, University of Toronto Press, Toronto ; Buffalo ; London, 63-79
Klooster, J. (2020) “Ferrante als Klassieker”, De Nederlandse Boekengids, (6).
Leonard, V. (2020) “The Ideal (Bleeding?) Female: Hypatia of Alexandria and Distorting Patriarchal Narratives”, in D. LaValle Norman and A. Petkas (eds), Hypatia of Alexandria: Her Context and Legacy, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 171-92.
López Gregoris, R. (2020) “Fun home. A family tragicomic. Homer, Joyce and Bechdel: Classical receptions and comic hydridisation. The heroine explores her sexual identity”, en Rosario López Gregoris y Cristóbal Macías (eds), The Hero Reloaded. The Reinvention of the Classical Hero in Contemporary Mass Media, Ámsterdam, John Benjamins, 143-56.
López Gregoris, R. (2020) “Ordine morale e ordine sociale: le demi-monde nella Cistellaria, La dame aux Camélies e Pretty Woman”, en G. Bandini e C. Pentericci (eds), Personaggi in scena. la Meretrix, Ludi Plautini Sarsinates III, Carocci Editore, Roma, 33-58.
Martínez López, C. (2020) “Patriam suam exornavit. Las mujeres en la construcción y ornamentación de las ciudades de la Roma antigua”, in A. Muñoz y M. Del Moral (eds), Cultura material e Historia de las Mujeres, Ed. Comares, Granada, 61-92.
Martínez López, C. (2020) “Historia de las Mujeres”, Breve diccionario de Feminismo, Madrid, Editorial La Catarata, 129-33.
Mastrorosa I.G. (2020) “L’intraprendenza di vedove Augustae e congiunte di rango imperiale nel secolo del principato adottivo”, in N. Lapini (ed), Imperatrici, matrone, liberte. Volti e segreti delle donne romane, Livorno, 23-7.
Michalopoulos, A.N., Michalopoulos, C.N., Archontogeorgi, A & Iliopoulou, A. (2020) “Groves, forests, animals, and birds in the Tereus-Procne-Philomela story (Ov. Met. 6.412-674)”, Mediterranean Chronicle 10, 137-53.
Noûs, C., Sebillotte Cuchet, V. (2020) “Les études de genre dans le domaine de l’Antiquité, Les archives de la Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2000-2020) ”, Genre & Histoire, Association Mnémosyne, 2020, Combats, débats, transmission : les 20 ans de Mnémosyne. Historiographies, 26.
Perczyk, C. J & Seijas, L. (2020) “Los ardides de Clitemnestra en el tercer episodio de Agamenón de Esquilo”, Telón de fondo. Revista de crítica y teoría teatral 32, Instituto de Historia del Arte Argentino y Latinoamericano, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 80-95.
Simões Rodrigues, N. (2020) “A violação de Britânico (Tac. Ann. 13.17)”, Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie II – Historia Antigua 33, 97-122.
Sharrock, A. (2020) “The Roman Mother-in-Law”, in A. Sharrock and A. Keith (eds), Maternal Conceptions in Classical Literature and Philosophy, University of Toronto Press, Toronto (Phoenix Supplementary Volumes, 57), 49-62.
Sissa, G. (2020) “Mighty Mothers. Female Theorists in Euripides’ Political Plays”, in Alison Keith et Alison Sharrock (eds), Maternal Conceptions in Classical Literature and Philosophy, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 193-223.
Wagner-Hasel, B. (2020) “Spurensuche. Frauen auf dem Weg in die Altertumswissenschaft”, in P. Schierl & S. Plotke (eds), De mulieribus claris. Gebildete Frauen – bedeutende Frauen – vergessene Frauen (= Iphis Bd. 9), Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 143-62.
Wagner Hasel, B. (2020) “Female Dues and the Production of Textiles in Ancient Greece”, in C. Michel, M. Harlow & L. Quillien (eds), Textiles and Gender, London et al.: Bloomsbury, 111-24.
Ambühl, A. & Schollmeyer, P. (2021) “Der Wagen der Berenike. Automobile Ptolemäerinnen in Text und Bild”, in B. Feichtinger und M. Revellio (eds), Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften: Von erzählten Reisen und reisenden Erzählungen, IPHIS: Beiträge zur altertumswissenschaftlichen Genderforschung, Band 10, Trier, 11-40.
Ando, V. (2021) “Gli spazi e le attività femminili”, in M. Bettini (ed), Il sapere mitico. Un’antropologia del mondo antico, Einaudi, Torino, 81-85.
Bessone, F. (2021) “The Indiscreet Charm of the Exotic. Amores peregrini as Explorations of Identity in Roman Poetry”, in Identities, Ethnicities and Gender in Antiquity, ed. by J. Fabre-Serris, A. Keith, and F. Klein, Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter (Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 109), 155-174.
Bielman Sánchez A., Lenzo G., (2021) “Ptolemaic Royal Women”, in E. Carney and S. Mueller (eds), The Routledge Companion to Women and Monarchy in the Ancient Mediterranean, Routledge, New-York, 73-83.
Blake Reitzammer, L. (2021) “Ismene’s Hat (Sophocles Oedipus at Colonus, 313-14)”, Classical Philology 116.4, 588-92.
Blok, J. (2021) “Educating citizens: knowledge, competence and values in Greek poleis”, in I. Salvo and T. Scheer (eds), Religion and education in the ancient Greek world, (Studies in Education and Religion in Ancient and Pre-Modern History in the Mediterranean and its Environments, 13) Tübingen, 19-32.
Coelho, M.C. M. N. (2021) “Por uma túnica vazia de Helena” - Eros e Eris na província mineira”, in F. Brasette (ed), Actas do IV Congresso A fúria de Aquiles: As faces da Guerra. Aveiro Editora da Universidade de Aveiro.
Cowan, R. (2021) “Mothers in Arms: Towards an Ecofeminist Reading of Virgil’s Georgics”, Vergilius 67, 183–204.
Cowan, R. (2021) “Sex and Violence: Gender in the Civil War”, in P. Roche (ed), Reading Lucan’s Civil War: A Critical Guide, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman OK, 266–82.
D’Ambra, E. (2021) “Real Estate for Profit: Julia Felix’s Property and the Forum Frieze”, in B. Longfellow and M. Swetnam-Burland (eds, Women’s Lives, Women’s Voices: Roman Material Culture and Female Agency in the Bay of Naples, University of Texas Press, 85-105.
Dasen, V. (2021) “Omphale and Heracles: A Knotted Life”, in V. Dasen et F. Spadini (eds), Bijoux antiques: de l'ornement au talisman. Identités et pratiques sociales, Gemmae. An International Journal on Glyptic Studies, 3, 61-82.
Dasen, V. (2021) “Roman Childhood Revisited”, in L. A. Beaumont et al. (eds), Children in Antiquity. Perspectives and Experiences of Childhood in the Ancient Mediterranean, Routledge, London, 105-20.
Deriu, M. (2021) “Ibridi e polifonia, binarismo e norma nelle vicende di Eraide e Callò secondo Diodoro (XXXII 10-12) ”, Eugesta 11.
Edwards, C. (2021) “Magna Mater and the poet unmanned (Ovid, Fasti 4.179-372)”, Eugesta 11.
Fuhrer, T. (2021) “Thessalian Witches – an Ethnic Construct in Apuleiusʼ Metamorphoses”, in J. Fabre-Serris, A. Keith and F. Klein (eds), Identities, Ethnicities and Gender in Antiquity, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, 219-34.
Gherchanoc, F. (2021) “Dress, ethnic identity and gender in the Achaemenid Empire: Greek views on the Persians and political ideology in the classical time”, in J. Fabre-Serris, A. Keith, and F. Klein (eds), Identities, Ethnicities, and Gender in Antiquity, De Gruyter, Berlin-Boston, 27-45.
Kasimis, D. (2021) “Electra Lost in Transit,” Ramus 50:1-2, 11-24.
Keith, A. (2021) “Cicero’s Verres, Verres’ Women”, in J. Fabre-Serris, A. Keith, and F. Klein (eds), Identities, Ethnicities and Gender in Antiquity, 69-92. Trends in Classics Suppl. Vol. 109, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, 69-92.
Klein, F. (2021) “Lavinia d’Ursula K. Le Guin: des regrets de Virgile à la réécriture de l’Énéide au féminin », in D. Meulemans (ed), Ursula K. Le Guin, De l’autre côté des mots, ActuSF, 276-315.
Klooster, J. (2021) “Sappho, Liefdesgedichten”, in A. Roose, J. Van Pelt, & K. De Temmerman (eds), Great Poems: Houden van beroemde gedichten (pp. 10-35). Academia Press.
Klooster, J. (2021) “Introduction: Women and Power in Hellenistic Poetry”, In J. Klooster, G. C. Wakker, R. Regtuit, & A. Harder (eds), Women and Power in Hellenistic Poetry (pp. 1-12). (Hellenistica Groningana ; Vol. 26). Peeters, 1-12
Klooster, J. (2021) “Erinna, Anyte en Nossis: Vrouwenstemmen in de Hellenistische Poëzie”, Kleio: Tijdschrift voor oude talen en antieke cultuur.
Lesser, R. H. (2021) “Sappho’s Mythic Models for Female Homoeroticism”, Arethusa 54 (2), 121–61.
Lissarrague, F. (2021) “Ionians, Egyptians, Thracians: Ethnicity and Gender in Attic Vase-Paiting”, in J. Fabre-Serris, A. Keith and F. Klein (eds), Identities, Ethnicities and Gender in Antiquity, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, 17-26.
López Gregoris, R. (2021) “Mujer y violencia en la comedia plautina. Una historia corriente”, en R. López Gregoris (ed), Mujer y violencia en el teatro antiguo, Catarata, Madrid, 49-71.
McClintock A. (2021) “Gioielli e figli: le armi delle donne”, in R.M. Cid López, A. Domínguez Arranz, R.M. Marina Sáez, (eds), Madres y familias en la Antigüedad. Patrones femeninos en la transmisión de emociones y de patrimonio. Gijón: Ed. Trea S.L., 289-303.
Mastrorosa, I.G. (2021) “in severitate iocosi: a proposito di meretrici e intemperanze oratorie di Eliogabalo e Leonardo Bruni, Bollettino di Studi Latini, 178-89.
Miller, P.A. (2021) “Unspeakable Enjoyment in Catullus (80, 16, 11, 63)”, Dictynna 18.
Miller, P.A. (2021) “On the Road with Tibullus: Aporia or Castration as the Way of Love”, in E. Zimmerman Damer and M. Myers (eds), Travel, Geography, and Empire in Latin Poetry, Routledge, New York, 98-113.
Mirón Pérez, M. D. (2021) “Royal mothers and dynastic power in Attalid Pergamon”, in E. D. Carney and S. Müller (eds), The Routledge companion to women and monarchy in the ancient Mediterranean world, Routledge, London, 210-21.
Myers, S. (2021) “Catullus: Gender and Sexuality”, in I. M. Le M. Du Quesnay and A. J. Woodman (eds), The Cambridge Companion to Catullus, Cambridge, 70-88.
Newlands, C. (2021) “Performing Foundation: the Gendered Role of Baking in Ovid’s Fasti”, Eugesta 11, 152-78
Penrose, W. (2021) “Power and Patronage: Rethinking the Legacy of Artemisia II”, in R. Ancona and G. Tsouvala (eds), New Directions in the Study of Women in Antiquity, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 59-77.
Salvo, I. (2021) “The Pedagogical Function of Cult Associations in Late Classical Athens”, in I. Salvo, T.S. Scheer (eds), Religion and Education in the Ancient Greek World, SERAPHIM 13, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 35–54.
Salvo, I. (2021) “Uterine Bleeding, Knowledge, and Emotion in Ancient Greek Medical and Magical Representations”, in L. Totelin, V. Leonard, M. Bradley (eds), Bodily Fluids in Antiquity, Routledge, London, 57–74
Sebillotte-Cuchet, V. (2021) “Mania, gouverneure d’une cité grecque à l’époque classique. Stéréotypes anciens, stéréotypes modernes”, Phoînix, Rio de Janeiro, 21/1, 82-101.
Sharrock, A. (2021) “Babylonians in Thebes. Some Ovidian Stories of Barbarians and Foreigners”, in J. Fabre-Serris, A. Keith and F. Klein (eds), Identities, Ethnicities and Gender in Antiquity, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, 195-216.
Simões Rodrigues, N (2021) “Túria ou como ser matrona na Roma dos alvores do Principado”, in L. M. Barbosa e D. Puga (eds), Antiguidade e usos do passado. Políticas e Práticas Sociais, Desalinho, Rio de Janeiro,13-30.
Simões Rodrigues, N. (2021) “O estudo da (homo)sexualidade na Antiguidade Clássica: questões epistemológicas, problemas de método, perspectivas e propostas de corpus para análise”, in K. T. C. Azevedo (ed), Educação, Ensino e os Estudos Clássicos, São Paulo, Odysseus Editora, 160-235.
Simões Rodrigues, N. com González González, M. (2021) “Perspectiva de género en el estúdio del mito”, in M. González González & L. Romero Mariscal (eds), Claves para la lectura del mito griego, Madrid, Editorial Dykinson, 327-54.
Tsouvala, G. (2021) “Female Athletes in the Late Hellenistic and Roman Greek World », in R. Ancona and G. Tsouvala (eds), New Directions for the Study of Women in the Greco-Roman World, New York: Oxford University Press, 140-72.
Unceta, L. (2021) “La violencia verbal contra las mujeres en las comedias de Plauto ¿Una forma de humor?”, en Mujer y violencia en el teatro antiguo, R. López Gregoris (ed), Catarata, Madrid, 72-97.
Webb, L. (2021) “Female interventions in politics in the libera res publica: Structures and practices”, in R. Frolov and C. Burden-Strevens (eds) Leadership and Initiative in Late Republican and Early Imperial Rome, Leiden, Brill, 151–88. (Open Access). -
Bessone, F. (2022) “Oggetti di un discorso amoroso. La retorica delle cose nell'elegia al femminile delle Eroidi” , in H. Harich-Schwarzbauer und C. Scheidegger Lämmle (eds), Women and Objects in Antiquity, Iphis. Beiträge zum altertumswissenschaftlichen Genderforschung, B.D. 12, Trier, 89-118.
Coelho, M.C. M. N. (2022) “On Not-Believing: A Gorgianic reading of the tragic Cassandra”, in S. Brill and C. Mckeen (eds), The Routledge Handbook on Women and Ancient Greek Philosophy, London.
Delbueno, S. (2022) “Identidades en conflicto: Medea de Eurípides en dos tragedias argentinas”, Cuaderno de Literatura: Revista de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios 18, 19-32.
Fabre-Serris, J. (2022) “De cultu puellarum. Modélisation et enjeux de la toilette des femmes selon les élégiaques (Tib.3.8, Properce 1.2, Ovide)”, in H. Harich-Schwarzbauer und C. Scheidegger Lämmle (eds), Women and Objects in Antiquity, Iphis. Beiträge zum altertumswissenschaftlichen Genderforschung, B.D. 12, Trier, 171-85.
Foubert, L. (2022) “70 - Marcia Procula verruilt Spanje voor Nederland”, in L. Heerma van Voss, N. Bouras, M. 't Hart, M. van der Heijden & L. Lucassen (eds), Nog meer wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland, Amsterdam.
Fuhrer, T. (2022) “A female view of the tragic action: on the function of collective first person statements in the women’s choruses in the (ps.-)Senecan tragedies Troades and Hercules Oetaeus”, in L. Cordes/T. Fuhrer (Hgg.), The Gendered ‘I’ in Ancient Literature. Modelling Gender in First-Person Discourse, Berlin/Boston, 179-200.
Fuhrer, T. (2022) “Der Philosoph und seine Mutter: Erzählte philosophische Erkenntnis in den augustinischen Frühdialogen De ordine und De beata vita”, in P. von Möllendorff/G.M. Müller (eds), Gespräch und Erzählung. Strategien und Funktionen des Narrativen im antiken Dialog, Stuttgart, 273-86.
Gherchanoc, F. (2022) “L’attrait du kosmos, le désir de parure, le plaisir d’être [belle ou] beau » et les dangers de l’éclat. Mode de circulation des parures nuptiales et des présents conjugaux en Grèce ancienne”, in H. Harich-Schwarzbauer und C. Scheidegger Lämmle (eds), Women and Objects in Antiquity, Trier (IPHIS — Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften 10), Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 249-66.
Keith, A. (with S. Blake) (2022) “Women and Other Objects in Martial’s Epigrams”, in H. Harich-Schwarzbauer und C. Scheidegger Lämmle (eds), Women and Objects in Antiquity, (IPHIS — Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften 10), Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 187-204.
Klooster, J. (2022) “Ferrante en Vergilius: Het voordeel van een verborgen auteur”, Lampas. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse classici, 55(4), 422-39.
Martorana, S. (2022) “Omission and Allusion: When Statius’ Hypsipyle Reads Ovid’s Heroides 6”, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 112: 437-64
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McClintock A. (2022) “Matrimonio e ricchezza femminile a Roma. Glossario giuridico », in L. Galli Milic, A. Stoehr-Monjou (eds), Au-delà de l’épithalame. Le mariage dans la littérature latine (IIIe s. av. - VIe s. ap. J.-C.), Brepols, Turnhout, 459-73.
Mastrorosa, I.G. (2022) “For better or for worse: Conjugal relationships of writers and intellectuals under the challenges of the Empire”, in C.-E. Centlivres Challet (ed), Married Life in Greco-Roman Antiquity, Routledge, London and New York, 90-106.
Martorana, S. (2022) “The Women and the Sea: The Subjective Seascape in Ovid’s Heroides”, in R. Clare and H. Williams (eds), The Ancient Sea: The Utopian and Catastrophic in Classical Narratives and their Reception, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 165-80.
Michalopoulos, C.N. (2022) “Having sex with statues: some cases of agalmatophilia in Latin poetry”, in A. Serafim, G., Kazantzidis & K. Demetriou (eds), Sex and the Ancient City: Sex and Sexual Practices in Greco-Roman Antiquity (Trends in Classics - Supplementary Volumes 126), De Gruyter, Berlin, 261-82.
Myers, S. (2022) “Botanical Imperialism and Metamorphic Biodiversity: Livia and Ovid”, in C. Lauf (ed), Universal Gardens: Biodiversity Imagined, Sztuka I Dokumentacja / Art and Documentation 26, 69-72.
Olsen, S. (2022) “Embracing Thetis in Euripides’ Andromache”, Classical Antiquity 41, 67-90.10.
Perczyk, C. J. (2022) “La representación de Dioniso en los fragmentos de Licurgía de Esquilo”, Nova Tellus 40.2, Centro de Estudios Clásicos del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 11-35.
Seratti, J. (2022) “Gender and the Ritual Lament: Women as the Arbiters of Aretē and Virtus”, in H.L. Reid and J. Serrati (eds), Ageless Aretē: Essays From the 6th Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Hellenic Heritage of Sicily and Southern Italy. Siracusa: Parassos, 247-72.
Sharrock, A. (2022) “The metamorphosis of Things: Women and Objects in Ovid”, in H. Harich-Schwarzbauer et C. Scheidegger Lämmle (eds), Women and Objects in Antiquity. Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften, IPHIS, Trier, 63-80.
Simões Rodrigues, N. (2022) “The Sacred Band of Thebes and Alcibiades’ Exemplum (Plutarch, Pel. 18-19 and Alc. 7.3-6)”, in D. Leão, D. Ferreira, N. S. Rodrigues, R. Morais (eds), Our Beloved Polites. Studies presented to P. J. Rhodes, Oxford, Archaeopress Archaeology, 51-64.
Simões Rodrigues, N. (2022) “Lucretia, Tullia and Tanaquil: Shaping the Identity of Rome’s Women in the Augustan Period”, in L. Roig Lanzillotta, J. Brandão, C. l Teixeira & A. Rodrigues (eds), Roman Identity: between Ideal and Performance, Brepols, Turnhout, 91‑120.
Archontogeorgi, A. & Michalopoulos, C.N. (2023) “Latin Literature and Ecofeminism”, in D. Vakoch (ed), The Routledge Handbook of Ecofeminism and Literature, New York and London, 157-66.
- Coelho, M.C. M. N. (2023) “On Not-Believing: A Gorgianic reading of the tragic Cassandra”, in S. Brill and C. Mckeen (eds), The Routledge Handbook on Women and Ancient Greek Philosophy, London: Routledge.
Fabre-Serris, J. (2023) “Suicides for love: Phyllis, Pyramus and Thisbe. Critical Variations on a Famous motif of Erotic Poetry”, in Ovid, Death and Transfiguration, J. Farrell, J. Miller, D. Nelis and A. Schiesaro (eds), Brill, 90-107
Fabre-Serris, J. (2023) “Sulpicia”, in C. Urlacher, & D. Meyer (eds), Dictionnaire de l'épigramme littéraire dans l'Antiquité grecque et romaine, Brepols Publishers.
Feitosa, L. M. G. C.; Souza, M. P. (2023) “Estudo do corpo, gênero e sexualidade: uma proposta de sequência didática para o Novo Ensino Médio Paulista”, in C.C. Nacke Conradi; A. Albuquerque Cavalcanti Junior; G. da Silva Balthazar (eds), Engendrando Clio: gênero e sexualidade no ensino de História, 1ed.Curitiba: Editorial Casa, v. 1, 150-71.
Gambón, L. (2023) “Cuerpo y corporeidad en la tragedia griega: Hipólito de Eurípides”, Classica: Revista Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos, 36, 1-15.
Gherchanoc, F. (2023) “Spectateurs de beauté en Grèce ancienne. Performances “theôriques” à Délos, Olympie et Delphes”, in E. Valette et S. Wyler (eds), Spectateurs grecs et romains. Corps, régimes de présence, modalités d’attention, Hermann, Paris, 107-16.
Gherchanoc, F. (2023) “Des allaitements cachés ? Voiler, dévoiler le sein maternel dans la culture grecque. L’exemple de l’Athènes classique”, in V. Dasen, Y. Foehr-Janssens, I. Maffi, D. Solfaroli Camillocci (eds), Allaiter de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Histoire et pratique d’une culture en Europe, Brépols, Collection « Génération », Turnhout, 635-40.
Gutiérrez, F. (2023) “Casandra liberada, el silencio del abuso. Análisis comparativo de Agamenón de Esquilo y Casandra iluminada (rito de pasaje) de Noemí Frenkel”, Teatro XXI. n°39, 97-114.
Gutiérrez, F. (2023) “Donde se descomponen las colas de los burros de Carolina Vivas. La Antígona latinoamericana del siglo XXI: no es el dolor de una, es el dolor de todas”, Telón de fondo, n°38, 57-77.
Gutiérrez, F. (2023) “La recepción mexicana de Hipólito de Eurípides en Fedra y otras griegas de Ximena Escalante”, Vol. 14, n°24, 109-27.
Hajdarević, S. (2023) “Aristaenetus’ Collection: ‘Male’ and ‘Female’ Letters”, Systasis 41, 1‒19
Hallett, J. and Lateiner, D. (2023) “Connotation and Com-motion: Putting the Kinesis into the Roman Cinaedus”, in T. Gazzarri and J. Weiner (eds), Searching for the Cinaedus in Ancient Rome, Brill, 154-75.
Han, I. (2023) “Les Guérillères: Sappho and the Lesbian Body”, in E. Haselswerdt, S. Lindheim, K. Ormand (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Classics and Queer Theory, Routeledge, New York, 316-30.
Heano-Castro, A. (2023) “From a Euromodern Biopolitical Antigone to Postmodern Necropolitical Antigones in Latin America”, Philosophy and Global Affairs 3.1: 60-88.
Klooster, J. (2023) “De Revisionistische Muze: Recente hervertellingen van klassieke mythen vanuit een vrouwelijk perspectief”, Lampas. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse classici, 56(3), 201-18.
Klooster, J. (2023) “Sappho”, in C. Urlacher, & D. Meyer (eds), Dictionnaire de l'épigramme littéraire dans l'Antiquité grecque et romaine, Brepols Publishers
McCarter, S. (2023) “Messalina’s Gilded Nipples?”, Arethusa 56, 117-40.
McCarter, S. (2023) “Ovid’s Cephalus and the Dangers of Mistranslation”, Lampas 56, 3-29.
- Martorana, S. (2023) “Neque ... sine numine vincis: Thetis, Medusa, and (Literary) Creation in Ovid’s Metamorphoses”, in M. Paprocki, G.P. Vos, D.J. Wright (eds), The Staying Power of Thetis: Allusion, Interaction, and Reception from Homer to the 21st Century, Berlin, De Gruyter, 181-203
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Revista completa em -
Heano-Castro, A. (2024) “Decolonial Ruminations on a Classic: Medea, Sethe and La Llorona”, in S. Brill and C. McKeen. (eds), The Routledge Handbook on Women and Ancient Greek Philosophy, Routledge, New York
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Miller, P.A. (2024) “Sarah Kofman: Socratic Lover”, in S. Brill and C. McKeen (eds), Routledge Handbook of Women in Ancient Philosophy, New York: Routledge, 569-82.
Morrell, K. (2024) “Women and legal change in the Roman republic”, in C. Rosillo-López and S. Lacorte (eds), Cives Romanae: Roman Women as Citizens during the Republic, Libera Res Publica 12, Seville and Zaragoza: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla/Prensas de la Universidad Zaragoza, 229–52.
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Blake Reitzammer, L. (forthcoming) “Reimagining Euripides’ Medea: Pre-Colonial Indigenous Elements in Alfaro’s Mojada”, AJP 144.3.
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Cowan, R. (forthcoming) “The farmer wants a wife: Ecofeminism, domestic violence, and coercive control in Roman agricultural writing”, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 67.
Finnigan, S. (forthcoming) “Reconsidering the Relationship between Motherhood, Non-motherhood, and Work among Urban Roman Freedwomen”, Illinois Classical Studies 49.1-2.
Longfellow, B. (forthcoming, June 2025) The Lives and Deaths of Women in Ancient Pompeii, Ashley and Peter Larkin Series in Greek and Roman Culture. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Myers, S. (forthcoming) “Wool-Working in Roman Love Elegy: Tibullus, Propertius, and Sulpicia 3.16”, in G. Celotto and L. Fulkerson (eds), volume on Sulpicia.