Journal Eugesta

The electronic journal Eugesta was created in 2011 in connection with the network EuGeStA.

It publishes one issue per year after assessment by two or three reviewers.

Jacqueline Fabre-Serris (Lille)
Judith Hallett (Maryland, Collège Park)

Editorial board
Bettina Bergmann (Mount Holyoke College), Lisa Cordes (Berlin), Florence Gherchanoc (Paris 7), Emily Hauser (Exeter), Alison Keith (Toronto), Florence Klein (Lille), Donald Lateiner (Ohio Wesleyan University), Laura McClure (Wisconsin-Madison), Maria Dolores Mirón Pérez (Granada),  Thomas Späth (Bern), Davide Susanetti (Padova), Sanjaya Thakur (Colorado College).
The members of the Editorial Board are involved in the reviewing process, in the establishing of editorial policy and in the promotion of the journal at national and international level.

Scientific committee
Minerva Alganza Roldán (Grenada), Federica Bessone (Torino), Josine Blok (Utrecht), Claude Calame (EHESS), Véronique Dasen (Fribourg), Therese Fuhrer (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Allison Glazebrook (Brock University), Barbara Gold (Hamilton), Henriette Harich (Basel), Emily Hemelrijk (Amsterdam), Brooke Holmes (Princeton), Helen King (Open University), David Konstan (Brown University), Rebecca Langlands (Exeter), Charilaos Michalopoulos (Thrace), Sheila Murnaghan (Pennsylvania), Gabriella Pironti (Napoli), James Robson (Open University), Violaine Sebillotte-Cuchet (Paris 1), Alison Sharrock (Manchester), Giulia Sissa (UCLA), Jane Stevenson (Aberdeen), Craig Williams (Illinois).
The members of the Scientific Committee are involved as reviewers for the journal and in the promotion of the journal at national and international level.

ANVUR’ s scientific assessment (Agenzia Nationale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca): Eugesta has been classified “A” in the Area 10 – Settore concorsuale 10D/3 in 2017 and in all sectors of the Area 10D in 2020.

Eugesta has been approved for inclusion in ERIH PLUS, the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences in 2016.

Eugesta is included in AWOL – The Ancient World on Line

> Visit the journal Eugesta website