EuGeStA Gender Studies and Classical Scholarship


Editor: Jacqueline Fabre-Serris – Jacqueline.fabre-serriswanadoofr

Webmaster : Olivier Rafidison – olivier.rafidisonuniv-lillefr

Editorial Committee: Anastasia Bakogianni, Maria Cecília de Miranda N. Coelho, Jacqueline Fabre-Serris, Judith Hallett, Alison Keith.

Scientific Committee: Zoa Alonso Fernández, Rosa Andujar, Sarah Azevedo, Federica Bessone, Anne Bielman, Sarah Blake, Laurialan Blake Reitzammer, Alastair Blanshard, Carla Bocchetti, Laurence Boulegue, Lovisa Brännstedt, Sara Brill, Filippo Carlà Uhinc, Marina Cavicchioli, Francesca Cenerini, Rosa Maria Cid López, Lisa Cordes, Robert Cowan, Eve d’Ambra, Véronique Dasen, Lesley Dean-Jones, Martine De Marre, Sheila Dillon, Elizabeth Donnelly Carney, Gifty Etornam Katahena, Barbara Feichtinger, Lourdes Feitosa, Claudia Fernandez, Lien Foubert, Laurel Fulkerson, Hunter Gardner, Florence Gherchanoc, Beatrice Girotti, Allison Glazebrook, Liz Gloyn, Barbara Gold, Helena González Vaquerizo, Ellen Greene, Emily Greenwood, Sabira Hajdarević, Marja-Leena Hänninen, Henriette Harich-Schwarbauer, Emily Hauser, Emily Hemelrijk, Andrés Fabián Henao Castro, Brooke Holmes, Deborah Kamen, George Kazantzidis, Helen King, Florence Klein, Jacqueline Klooster, Rebecca Langlands, Lena Larsson Lovén, Rachel Lesser, Sarah Levin-Richardson, Brenda Longfellow, Rosario López Gregaris, Brenda López Saiz, Suzanne Lye, Stephanie McCarter, Aglaia McClintok, Laura McClure, Simona Martorana, Mark Masterson, Ida Mastrorosa, Charilaos Michalopoulos, Paul Allen Miller, Dolores Miron, Melissa Mueller, Sara Myers, Carole Newlands, Konstantinos Nikoloutsos, Olakunbi Olasope, Ellen Oliensis, Sarah Olsen, Daniel Orrells, Vassiliki Panoussi, Walter Penrose, Matthew Perry, Angela Pitts, Francesca Prescendi, Nancy Rabinowitz, Melanie Racette-Campbell, Elsa Rodriguez Cidre, Francesca Rohr, Patricia Rosenmeyer, Meike Rühl, Irene Salvo, Tom Sapsford, Tanja Scheer, Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet, Andreas Serafim, Alison Sharrock, Nuno Simões Rodrigues, Alessandro Schiesaro, Birgitta L. Sjöberg, Nicole Spigner, Darja Šterbenc Erker, Elena Theodorakopoulos, Laurence Totelin, Alessandra Valentini, Christine Walde, Lewis Webb, Jesse Weiner, Erika Zimmermann-Damer.


The use of concepts developed in gender studies from the 70s has significantly transformed research in classical studies, opening up a new and extremely fruitful field of cultural and social analysis. Especially valuable has been the concept of intersectionality, through which to explore the contradictory and conflictual articulation of gender, race, class, age,

 After 50 years of working, it is time to both look back and ahead in a global context that has changed and was always changing with social and ideological advances and setbacks whose effects are also felt in the academic world

The aim of the project “Gender Studies and Classical Scholarship” is to provide a space for  both “past memories” and “future prospects” in order to support the contributions of feminist scholarship in relation and in response to current social and cultural issues and contexts.

Available in open Access, it is conceived as “a common work”, created and contributed to by all researchers engaged in Gender Studies. In addition to the members of the scientific committee, it requires the widest possible cooperation of each researcher interested in feminist theories and their application to the study of Antiquity.

How these theories have been, and are today, used and applied in the different fields of Antiquity (history, literature, philosophy, medicine, archeology, law, history of art …), in different cultural areas and at different times (Ancient Near East, Greece, Rome, reception of Antiquity)?

What has been, and what is, their impact in the academic world?

How to contribute to the expanding of these theories in deconstructing traditional and no-Gendered views provided in ancient and recent works of and on Antiquity?

  1. Feminist/Gender theories and the study of Antiquity in Europe and America
  2. Research Groups and Programs/projects
  3. Journals and Collections
  4. Seminal and Important Works (Books and Papers)
  5. Dissertations in progress and recently defended
  6. Conferences and other events
  7. Podcasts, interviews and exhibitions