
  • S. Boehringer (2025) La sexualité antique, une histoire moderne, EPEL

  • Z. Alonso Fernández and S. Olsen (2024) Imprints of dance in ancient Greece and Rome. Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

  • H. King (2024) Immaculate Forms: Uncovering the history of women’s bodies, Profile Books.
  • S. Martorana, Seeking the Mothers in Ovid's Heroides, Cornell University Press.
  • F. Prescendi (2024) Lupae. Présences féminines autour de Romulus et Rémus, Brepols

  • G. Gilles, K. Frank, C. Plastow, L. Webb (eds) 2024, Female Agency in the Ancient Mediterranen World, Women in Ancient Cultures,Liverpool.
  • V. Moro, Il teatro della polis. Filosofia dell'agonismo tragico, Pisa: ETS, 2024.
  • Brill, S. and Mc. Keen, C. (2024) The Routledge Handbook of Women and Ancient Greek Philosophy, London.
  • Boulègue, L. (forthcoming), Equicola, Mario, De mulieribus/Des femmes, intr. et éd. L. Boulègue, trad. L. Boulègue et L. Claire, notes L. Boulègue, M. Brouillet, N. Catellani, L. Claire, A. Duru, A. Lamy, Paris, Les Belles Lettres (coll. « Les Classiques de l’humanisme »).
  • Lucinda Dirven, Martijn Icks, Sofie Remijsen, The public lives of ancient women (500 BCE-650 CE). Mnemosyne supplements. History and archaeology of classical antiquity, 468. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2023.
  • Emily Hemelrijk, Women and Society in the Ancient World, Cambridge, July 2023, new paperback edition.
  • Lisa Cordes und Therese Fuhrer (eds), The Gendered ‘I’ in Ancient Literature, Modelling Gender in First-Person Discourse, Philologus Supplementary Volume, De Gruyter, Berlin/ Boston, 2022.
  • Age, ages and ageing in the Greco-Roman World, edited by Mary Harlow and Lena Larsson Lovén, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022
  • Elizabeth A. Clark, Melania the Younger: from Rome to Jerusalem. (Women in antiquity). Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2021.
  • S. Boehringer and D. Lorenzini, D., Foucault, Sexuality, Antiquity, Routledge, London, 2022.
  • Harich-Schwarzbauer und C. Schedegger Lämmle (eds), Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften. Women and Objects in Antiquity, Trier, 2022.
  • M.  Masterson, Between Byzantine Men: Desire, Homosociality, and Brotherhood in the Medieval Empire, Routledge, London, 2022.
  • A. McClintock, La ricchezza femminile e la ‘lex Voconia’, «L’arte del diritto 49», Jovene, Napoli, 2022.
  • S. Olsen, S. and M. Telo, Queer Euripides: Re-readings in Greek Tragedy, ‎ Bloomsbury Academic, 2022.
  • V. Sebillotte Cuchet, Artémise, une femme capitaine de vaisseaux en Grèce antique, Fayard, Paris, 2022.
  • L. Unceta Gómez, y H. González Vaquerizo (eds.) En los márgenes del mito. Hibridaciones de la mitología clásica en la cultura de masas contemporánea, Madrid, Catarata, 2022.
  • Mary T. Boatwright, The imperial women of Rome: power, gender, context. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2021.
  • C.-E. Centlivres Challet (ed.), Married Life in Greco-Roman Antiquity, Routledge 2021.
  • E. D. Carney and S. Müller (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Women and Monarchy in the Ancient Mediterranean World, Routledge, London. 
  • R. Cid López, A. Domínguez Arranz, R. M. Marina Sáez, Madres y familias en la Antigüedad: patrones femeninos en la transmisión de emociones y de patrimonio. Estudios históricos La Olmeda. Piedras angulares. Oviedo: Trea, 2021.
  • K. Kapparis, Women in the law courts of classical Athens. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 2021.
  • C. Neri, Saffo, testimonianze e frammenti: introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021.
  • C. E. Schultz, Fulvia: playing for power at the end of the Roman republic. Women in antiquity. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2021.
  • Emily A. Hemelrijk, Verborgen levens, publieke figuren. Romeinse vrouwen buiten Rome, Amsterdam: Athenaeum, 2021.
  • Emily A. Hemelrijk, Women and Society in the Roman World, Cambridge, 2021. Site de l'éditeur.
  • Le numéro spécial d'Ágora: Estudos Clássicos em Debate, intitulé "Gynecia: Rodrigo de Castro Lusitano e a tradição médica antiga sobre ginecologia e embriologia" [Gynecia: Rodrigo de Castro Lusitano and the ancient medical tradition about gynaecology and embryology"] est à présent en ligne ici.
  • Identities, Ethnicities and Gender in Antiquity, ed. by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris, Florence Klein et Alison Keith, Trends in Classics, De Gruyter, 2021.
  • A. Sharrock and A. Keith (eds), Maternal Conceptions in Classical Literature and Philosophy, University of Toronto Press, Toronto (Phoenix Supplementary Volumes, 57), 2020 (February).
  • Allison Surtees and Jennifer Dyer, Exploring Gender Diversity in the Ancient World, A. Surtees and J. Dyer (eds), Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 2020 (March).
  • Dawn LaValle Norman, Alex Petkas, Mohr Siebeck (eds), Hypatia of Alexandria. Her Context and Legacy, Tübingen, 2020 (July).
  • Dorota Dutsch, D. Pythagorean Women Philosophers: Between Belief and Suspicion.  Oxford UP, 2020 (September).
  • Elizabeth Carney and Sabine Müller (eds), The Routledge Companion to Women and Monarchy in the Ancient Mediterranean, New York, Routledge, 2020 (October).
  • Seraina Plotke und Petra Schierl (eds), De mulieribus claris ‒ Gebildete Frauen, bedeutende Frauen, vergessene Frauen, Trier, 2020 (Oktober).
  • Dossier Mètis NS, Des femmes qui comptent. Genre et participation sociale en Grèce et à Rome, Editions Daedalus, EHESS, Paris Athènes, 2020 (Décembre).