Bibliographie 2024
- Alonso Fernández, Z. (2024) “Mítica Gata Cattana: rap, poesía, feminismo y recepción clásica”, in L. Unceta Gómez & C. Salcedo González (eds), Clasicismo e identidades contemporáneas. Recepciones clásicas en la cultura de masas. Madrid / Las Palmas: Catarata, 51-78.
- Alonso Fernández, Z. (2024) “‘That’s Greek to Me’. Disco Life, Game Shows and Queer Intimacies in Richard Move’s The Show (Achilles Heels)”, in J. Harrison, M. Lindner & L. Unceta Gómez (eds), Playful Classics. Classical Reception as a Creative Process. London: Bloomsbury, 126-40.
- Ambühl, A (2024) “Conclusion. Beyond the Body of the Combatant”’ in H-M. Chidwick (ed), Body of the Combatant in the Ancient Meditarranean, London 189-196.
- Bakogianni A. (2024) “Masked Celluloid Classics? Shadows of Clytemnestra in Film Noir”, in A. Bakogianni and L. Unceta Gómez (eds), Classical Reception: New Challenges in a Changing World, De Gruyter, 62-83.
- Berardi, E. (2024) “In assenza del padre: una madre in difesa dei figli (Lisia, Contro Diogitone, or. 32)”, in A. Martín Minguijón, J. Nicolás Saiz López and K. M. Vilacoba Ramos (eds), La familia en la Antigüedad. Estudios desde la interdisciplinariedad, Ciencias de la Antigüedad, Editorial Dykinson, Madrid, 31-41.
- Bielman Sánchez, A et Dubosson-Sbriglione, L. (eds) (2024), Frères et sœurs dans l’Antiquité gréco-romaine. Réflexions autour d’un lien familial, Editions ALPHIL, Neuchâtel.
- Bielman Sánchez, A. (2024) “Sœur de roi, frère de reine. Remarques sur le lien adelphique chez les Lagides et les Séleucides”, in A. Bielman Sánchez, L. Dubosson Sbriglione (eds), Frères et sœurs dans l’Antiquité gréco-romaine. Réflexions autour d’un lien familial, Editions ALPHIL, Neuchâtel, 85-122.
- Blake Reitzammer, L. (forthcoming) “Birds, Stars, and Female Mousikê: Visions of Escape in Euripidean Choral Odes”.
- Boulegue, L. (2024) “De Mulieribus di Mario Equicola (1501) : Una questione filosofica”, Rassegna europea di letteratura italiana, n° 59-60, 2023 (paru en mars 2024), 15-31.
- Boulègue, L. et S. Gambino-Longo, S. (eds) (2024) Dossier thématique La questione femminile nel pensiero e nella rappresentazione degli umanisti (italia-francia), Rassegna europea di letteratura italiana, n° 59-60.
- Cenerini, F. (2024) Messalina. Leggenda e storia di una donna pericolosa, Roma-Bari, Editori Laterza, Collana Storia e Società.
- Cenerini, F. (2024) “Le due Giulie: continuità ed evoluzione della loro azione politica”, Eugesta.
- Deriu, M. (2024) "Defending ‘the more awkward cause’ (Am. 52): Women in Amores, Lucian, and schools of rhetoric", in F. Mestre, P. Gómez, C. Tolsa (eds), Lucianea et Pseudo-Lucianea. Studies on pseudepigrapha of Lucian and works by Lucian sometimes considered spurious, Barcelone, 203-25.
- Dillon, S. (forthcoming) “Women on the Move in the Ancient Mediterranean: Immigrant Women on Delos and in Athens in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods,” in D.K Rogers, T.J. Smith, and A. Steiner (eds), Athenian Technē: Objects, Images, and Monuments in Context. Studies in Honor of Jenifer Neils, De Gruyter.
- Dolcetti, P. (2024) “Un catalogo di donne in un catalogo di eroi: le madri in Apollonio Rodio”, in A. Martín Minguijón, J. Nicolás Saiz López and K. M. Vilacoba Ramos (eds), La familia en la Antigüedad. Estudios desde la interdisciplinariedad, 233 – 43.
- Fabre-Serris, J. (2024) “Les deux ‘Corinnes’ des Amours d’Ovide”, Dictynna.
- Fabre-Serris, J. (2024) “Roman Topography, Politics and Gender. The Cult of Bona Dea in Propertius 4.9 - An Answer to Aeneid 8?”, in A. Chahoud and M. Gale (eds), The Augustan Space, The Poetics of Geography, Topography and Monumentality, Cambridge, 85-97.
- Feitosa, L., Garraffoni, R.S. and Funari, P.P.A. (2024) “Back from the edge, a de-centred approach to ancient graffiti in Brazilian research”, Huarte de San Juan. Geografía e Historia, Navarra, 51-65.
- Feitosa, L.C. and Funari, P.P.A. (2024) Editorial Dossiê- “Antiguidade, recepção e usos do passado”, v. 30, Phoînix, 18-20.
- Giusti, E. (2024) “Classical Monsters in Modern Popular Culture: A Case Study in Fan Fiction”, In D. Felton (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Monsters in Classical Myth, Oxford University Press, 558-71.
- Giusti, E. (2024) “A Colonialist Trick of the Eye: Valerius Maximus' Memorable Deeds and Sayings as a Tool of Imperial Education”, in K. Blouin and B. Akrigg (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Classics, Colonialism, and Postcolonial Theory, Routledge, 316-33.
- Hallett, J. (2024) “Ultra Veritatem Muliebris Vis: Women Classicists At and Beyond Washington University in the Dawning of Post-Bellum America”, in Z. Stamatopoulou, T. Moore and G. Irby (eds), Plautus in the Heartland and Beyond: Washington University in St.. Louis’ 1884 Rudens and its Context, a special issue of Classical Journal 119.4, 439-60.
- Hallett, J. (2024) “Epilogue: Reflections on Female Agency in the Ancient Mediterranean,” in G. Gilles, K. Frank, C. Plastow, and L. Webb (eds), Female Agency in the Ancient Mediterranean World, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press; 243-52.
- Hallett, J. (2024) “Maîtresse/Mistress (DOMINA)”, in F. Klein, J.-P. Guez, E. Prioux et J. Peigney (eds) Dictionnaire des Images du Poétique. Paris: Garnier.
- Hallett, J. (forthcoming) “Saved with Ablatives and Declensions in the Toilet Stall: Classical Learning and the Poetry of Maxine Kumin”, in E. Hauser and H. Taylor (eds), Women Creating Classics and Women Re-Creating Classics, London; Bloomsbury.
- Hallett, J. (forthcoming) “Exorata Cytherea…Camenis: Appealing to Vergil’s Venus in the Eleven Sulpicia Elegies”, in G. Celotto and L. Fulkerson (eds), Sulpicia: A Woman’s Voice from Ancient Rome. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Hauser E. (2024) “Back from the Silence with Something to Say’: Ursula Le Guin’s Lavinia and Silence as Reception”, Classical Receptions Journal 16 (2), 194–208.
- Kamil, M. and Martorana, S. (forthcoming) “(In)Human, All Too (In)Human: Ovid’s Tereus and the Vulnerable Body”, in M.L. Haley, A. Abbattista, C. Blanco, and G. Savani (eds.), Reassembling the Myth of Tereus from Homer to Ovid, De Gruyter: Berlin, 187-200.
- Levin-Richardson, S. (2024) “Emotional Labor in Antiquity: The Case of Roman Prostitution”, in K. Bowes and M. Flohr (eds), Valuing Labor in Antiquity, Brill, 109–30.
- Martorana, S. (2024) Seeking the Mothers in Ovid’s Heroides, Cornell University Press: Ithaca, NY.
- Martorana, S. (2024) “Scribere iussit amor: Phaedra, Love, and (Roman) Law in Ovid’s Heroides 4”, The American Journal of Philology 145.2: 237-64.
- Martorana, S. (2024) “Una Saffo queer? Rileggere Saffo attraverso le sue ricezioni nel contesto letterario latino”, Eugesta 14.
- Martorana, S. (forthcoming) “Medusa in Ovid’s Metamorphoses: Refracted Rapes”, in E. Pyy (ed), Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish and Christian, Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae: Rome.
- Mencacci, F. (2024) “L'enigma di Bassa (Mart. 1,90)”, in F. Giannotti, A.Fo (eds) Antiqua amicitia. Studi di lingua e letteratura latina in onore di Silvia Mattiacci, Pisa, 135-42
- Miller, P. A. (2024) Truth in the Late Foucault: Antiquity, Sexuality, and Psychoanalysis. London: Bloomsbury, 2024
- Miller, P.A. (2024) “Sarah Kofman: Socratic Lover”, in S. Brill and C. McKeen (eds), Routledge Handbook of Women in Ancient Philosophy, New York: Routledge, 569-82.
- Mirón Pérez, M.D. (2024) “Queenship in Pergamon”, in M. Mendoza and B. Antela-Bernárdez (eds), Elite Women in Hellenistic History, Historiography, and Reception, Turnhout: Brepols, 123-39.
- Morrell, K. (2024) “Women and legal change in the Roman republic”, in C. Rosillo-López and S. Lacorte (eds), Cives Romanae: Roman Women as Citizens during the Republic, Libera Res Publica 12, Seville and Zaragoza: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla/Prensas de la Universidad Zaragoza, 229–52.
- Olasope, O. (2024) “Medaye: Patriarchy, Love and Exile in Nineteenth Century Yorubaland”, in A. F. Prata and R. Verano (eds), Medea’s Long Shadow in Postcolonial Contexts, Routledge Publishers, New York, 139-50.
- Olasope, O. (forthcoming) “Culture and Race in Classical Reception: West African Adaptations of Greek Tragedy”, in The Cambridge Companion to Classics and Race, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom.
- Penrose, W. (2024) “Introduction: The Appeal of the Amazons”, Journal of Lesbian Studies vol. 28 no. 2, 205-32.
- Penrose, W. (2024) Special Issue Guest Editor: “Queer/Feminist Representations and Receptions of Amazons.” Journal of Lesbian Studies vol. 28 no. 2: 202-304.
- Rohr Vio, F. (2024) “Citoyenneté, appartenance, identité: les matrones au sein d’une communauté des cives dans la Rome Républicaine”, in C. Rosillo López, S. Lacorte (eds), Cives Romanae. Roman Women as Citizens during the Republic, Zaragoza, Sevilla, PUZ Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, vol. 12, 409-25.
- Rohr Vio, F. (2024) “Fratelli e sorelle nel tempo della guerra civile tra i doveri della parentela e le esigenze della politica”, in A. Bielman Sánchez, L. Dubosson Sbriglione (eds), Frères et soeurs dans l’Antiquité gréco-romaine. Réflexions autour d’un lien familial, Neuchatel, Editions Alphil, 159-85.
- Rohr Vio, F. (2024) “Citoyenneté, appartenance, identité: les matrones au sein d’une communauté des cives dans la Rome Républicaine”, in C. Rosillo López, S. Lacorte (eds), Cives Romanae. Roman Women as Citizens during the Republic, Zaragoza, Sevilla, PUZ Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, vol. 12, 409-425.
- Rohr, Vio F. (forthcoming) “ Livia allo specchio: Ersilia, moglie di Romolo, nella tradizione augustea”, RSA 55, in c.d.s.
- Rohr, Vio F. (forthcoming) “Gneo e Sesto, figli ed eredi di Pompeo Magno. Riflessioni a partire dal volume di Guillaume de Méritens de Villeneuve Les fils de Pompée et l’opposition à César et au triumvirat (46-35 av. J.-C.) », École française de Rome, 2023, Atheneaum.
- Rohr, Vio F. (forthcoming) “Tra severitas e clementia. La “congiura” di Cinna e la nuova gestione del dissenso negli ultimi anni del principato augusteo”, in F. Hurlet, A. Dalla Rosa (eds), La dernière époque augustéenne, Bordeaux, Ausonius, in c.d.s.
- Schmölzer, A. (2024) “Goddesses of the Germania Inferior – Investigations on the Iconography of the Rhineland Matronae”, in: G. Kremer et al. (eds), Zeit(en) des Umbruchs: Akten des 17. Internationalen Kolloquiums zum provinzialrömischen Kunstschaffen. Wien – Carnuntum, 16. –17. Mai 2022, Wien, 601–12.
- Schmölzer, A. (2024) “Göttinnen der Germania Inferior. Neue archäologische Untersuchungen zur Ikonographie der Matronen”, Xantener Berichte 40 (Oppenheim 2023).
- Wagner-Hasel, B. (forthcoming) “ Kriegerinnen – Da Beispiel der Amazonen“, in T. Mörtz and J. Diemke (eds), Krieger*innen im Altertum.