Bibliographie 2023
- Archontogeorgi, A. & Michalopoulos, C.N. (2023) “Latin Literature and Ecofeminism”, in D. Vakoch (ed), The Routledge Handbook of Ecofeminism and Literature, New York and London, 157-66.
- Bakogianni A. (2023) “Women in Captivity: The Human Cost of Armed Conflict from the Trojan War to Modern Greek Cinema”, in K. P. Nikoloutsos (ed), Brill’s Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Warfare on Film, Brill, 273-91.
- Blondell, R. (forthcoming) Helen of Troy in Hollywood, Princeton University Press.
- Boulegue, L. (forthcoming) “De Mulieribus di Mario Equicola (1501): Una questione filosofica”, Rassegna europea di letteratura italiana.
- Boulegue, L. (forthcoming) Equicola, Mario, De mulieribus / Des femmes, trad. L. Boulègue et L. Claire, intr. L. Boulègue, annotation L. Boulègue, M. Brouillet, L. Claire, A. Duru, A. Lamy.
- Boulègue, L. (forthcoming) “La culture philosophique de Jaqua Françoise Pautrard", in L’humanisme au féminin : les « mélanges » de Jaqua Françoise Pautrard, poétesse et érudite franc-comtoise (début XVIIe siècle), actes des Journées des 20 et 21 octobre 2022, UPJV, dir. A. Duru.
- Bridges, E. (2023) Warriors' Wives: Ancient Greek Myth and Modern Experience. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Cornwell A. and G. Woolf (2023) Gendering Roman Imperialism, Brill, Leiden.
- Cox, F. and Taylor, E. (eds) (2023) Ovid in French. Reception by Women from the Renaissance to the Present, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- Deriu, M. (2023) “La femmina, figlio mio, è sempre stata un fatto delicato». Di Elena, Camilleri, Stesicoro e di come ritrattare una ritrattazione”, in M. Deriu (ed), Fìmmine (… ci vogliono occhi per taliarle), Quaderni camilleriani, Cagliari, vol. 19, 43-61.
- Deriu, M. (ed.) (2023) Fìmmine (… ci vogliono occhi per taliarle), Quaderni camilleriani, Cagliari, vol. 19.
- Dirven, L., Icks, M., Remijsen, S. (2023) The public lives of ancient women (500 BCE-650 CE). Mnemosyne supplements. History and archaeology of classical antiquity, 468. Leiden; Boston.
- Fabre-Serris, J. (2023) “Suicides for love: Phyllis, Pyramus and Thisbe. Critical Variations on a Famous motif of Erotic Poetry”, in Ovid, Death and Transfiguration, J. Farrell, J. Miller, D. Nelis and A. Schiesaro (eds), Brill, 90-107.
- Feitosa, L. M. G. C.; SOUZA, M. P. (2023) “Estudo do corpo, gênero e sexualidade: uma proposta de sequência didática para o Novo Ensino Médio Paulista”, in C.C. Nacke Conradi; A. Albuquerque Cavalcanti Junior; G. da Silva Balthazar (eds), Engendrando Clio: gênero e sexualidade no ensino de História, 1ed.Curitiba: Editorial Casa, v. 1, 150-71.
- Foubert, L. (2023) “Discourses of a changing society: women's (im)mobility in times of civil war”, in L. Dirven, M. Icks, S. Remijsen (eds), The Public Lives of Ancient Women (500 BCE – 650 CE), Leiden, 194-219.
- Foubert, L. (2023) “Antonia Mino”, in V. Pagán (ed), The Tacitus Encyclopedia, Oxford.
- Foubert, L. (2023) “Sosia Galla”, in V. Pagán (ed), The Tacitus Encyclopedia, Oxford.
- Foubert, L. (2023) “Claudia Sacrata”, in V. Pagán (ed), The Tacitus Encyclopedia, Oxford.
- Fuhrer, T. (forthcoming) “casta fides ‒ „keusche Treue“ oder Finte: Clytemestra in Senecas Agamemnon”, in B. Dunsch/R. Nischan/M. Reith (eds), O fides alma – Zu Konzeption, Funktion und Transformation eines römischen Leitbegriffs, Berlin/Boston.
- Gazzarri, T. and Weiner, J. (eds) (2023) Searching for the Cinaedus in Classical Antiquity. Leiden (Brill).
- Gherchanoc, F. et Villacèque, N. (ed) (2023) Le genre du luxe dans l’Antiquité grecque, dossier dans Mètis, N. S. 21, 2023, 120 p.
- Gherchanoc, F. et Villacèque, N. (2023) “Et si le luxe avait un genre pour les Grecs des cités”, in F. Gherchanoc et N. Villacèque (eds), Le genre du luxe dans l’Antiquité grecque, Mètis, N. S. 21, 7-18.
- Gherchanoc, F. (2023) “La beauté corporelle en question : consensus et polémiques dans l’Athènes classique”, Sociétés et représentations, 56, 83-98.
- Gherchanoc, F. (2023) “Spectateurs de beauté en Grèce ancienne. Performances “theôriques” à Délos, Olympie et Delphes”, in E. Valette et S. Wyler (eds), Spectateurs grecs et romains. Corps, régimes de présence, modalités d’attention, Hermann, Paris, 107-16.
- Gherchanoc, F. (2023) “Des allaitements cachés ? Voiler, dévoiler le sein maternel dans la culture grecque. L’exemple de l’Athènes classique”, in V. Dasen, Y. Foehr-Janssens, I. Maffi, D. Solfaroli Camillocci (eds), Allaiter de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Histoire et pratique d’une culture en Europe, Brépols, Collection « Génération », Turnhout, 635-40.
- Girotti, B. (2023) Flavia Massima Faustina Costanza, prima moglie di Graziano. Riflessi di porpora tra matrimonio e occasio”, in Riflessi di porpora. Declinazioni di potere femminile tra Roma, Bisanzio e l’Occidente Medievale, Spoleto, CISAM, 273-89 (Quaderni della rivista di bizantinistica).
- Gold, B. (2022/23) “Transgender Saints: Perpetua’s Legacy”, in K. R. Moore (ed), The Routledge Companion to the Reception of Ancient Greek and Roman Gender and Sexuality, Routledge, London, 558-71.
- Gold, B. (2023-24) “Can a Woman Be a Cinaedus? Interrogating Catullus 10 and Roman Social Norms”, in J. Weiner and T. Gazzari (eds), Searching for the Cinaedus in Classical Antiquity.
- Hallett, J. and Lateiner, D. (2023) “Connotation and Com-motion: Putting the Kinesis into the Roman Cinaedus”, in T. Gazzarri and J. Weiner (eds) Searching for the Cinaedus in Ancient Rome, Brill, 154-75.
- Han, I. (2023) One Hundred and One Nights: Plato and the Metaphysical Feminine, Oxford University Press: Classics in Theory.
- Han, I. (2023) “Les Guérillères: Sappho and the Lesbian Body”, in E. Haselswerdt, S. Lindheim, K. Ormand (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Classics and Queer Theory (New York: Routledge, 316-30.
- Hauser, E. (2023) How Women Became Poets: A Gender History of Greek Literature. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Hauser, E. (2023) Ancient Love Stories. London: Big Picture Press.
- Hemelrijk, E. (2023) Women and Society in the Ancient World, Cambridge, new paperback edition.
- Holmes, B. (forthcoming) “Infra-structure: Being-together in Isabel Lewis’ Scalable Skeletal Escalator”, in O. Kaeser (ed), Dance First Think Later, Arta Sperto, Geneva.
- Klein, F. (2023) “Marguerite Yourcenar’s ‘Feminism’ and the Ambivalence of Ovidien Models in Feux”, in F. Cox et H. Taylor (eds), Ovid in French. Reception by Women from the Renaissance to the Present, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 188-219.
- Mastrorosa, I. Gilda (2023) “All’ombra del potere: le aspirazioni audaci e la maternità disattesa di Antonina, la moglie di Belisario”, in M.C. Chiriatti e M. Vallejo Girvés (eds), Riflessi di porpora. Declinazioni di potere femminile tra Roma, Bisanzio e l’Occidente Medievale, 171-86, Spoleto: Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo.
- Miller, P.A. (2023) “Catullus Beyond the Pleasure Principle: Between Freud and Foucault”, in S. Lindheim and K. Ormand (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Classics and Queer Theory, Routledge, New York, 92-106.
- Mirón Pérez, M. D. (2023) “De la paz femenina a la paz de las mujeres: discursos y representaciones en Atenas clásica”, in M.E. Díez Jorge & C. Martínez López (eds), Mujeres y discursos de paz en la historia, Peter Lang, Berlin, 33-53.
- Pierini, R. (2023) “Cornelia in Lucano fra tragedia e 'romanzo' (a proposito di Bellum civile 9, 101-16)”, in E.M. Ariemma, V. D'Urso, N. Lanzarone (eds), Studi sull'epica latina in onore di Paolo Esposito, Pisa, 341-51.
- Pierini, T. (forthcoming) “Seneca e l’esilio di Giulia maggiore. Tracce del libellus di Augusto in benef. 6.32, LAS 2, online.
- Pope, M. (2023) Lucretius and the End of Masculinity, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Racette-Campbell, M. (2023) The Crisis of Masculinity in the Age of Augustus, Wisconsin studies in classics, Madison.
- Rohr Vio, F e Iulia Augusta ( 2023) “LXXXVI annos vitae Pucino vino rettulit acceptos, non alio usa (Plin. nat. 14, 60). Livia, matrona modello, e la pratica del bere vino”, in M. Cassia (ed), L’alimentazione fra passato e presente. Archeologia, storia, filologia, Roma 135-51.
- Rohr Vio, F. (forthcoming) “La parola delle donne, la parola sulle donne: la costruzione dell’identità femminile attraverso i discorsi nelle leggende di età fondativa”, Hormos 15.
- Rohr Vio, F. (forthcoming) “La parole des matrones. Identité féminine et ‘émancipation’ dans la Rome Républicaine”, RSA 53.
- Rohr Vio, F.; Valentini, A. (forthcoming) “Roman Matrons’ Wealth between Political Action and Disapproving Clichés”, in C. Steel, L. Webb (eds.), Women, wealth, and power in the Roman Republic.
- Wagner-Hasel, B. (2023) “Patriarchatsimaginationen. Vom Nutzen und Nachteil eines wirkmächtigen Opfernarrativs”, in J. Meister und S. Ruprecht (eds), Weiblichkeit – Macht – Männlichkeit, Frankfurt a. M. – New York: Campus 2023, 103-38.
- Wagner-Hasel, B. (2023) “Frauen in der antiken Wirtschaft”, in S. von Reden und K. Ruffing (eds), Handbuch Antike Wirtschaft Berlin, de Gruyter, Boston, 53-280.
- Wagner-Hasel, B. (2023) “Von der althistorischen Frauenforschung zur Historischen Anthropologie. In memoriam Elke Hartmann (1969-1921)”, HZ 316, 146-50.