Articles 2010-2019
Olasope, O. (2010) “Women in the Oikos: Re-thinking Greek Male Anxiety over Female Sexuality”, in E. Kwofiel and B. Ayeleru (eds), Language, Literature and Criticism: Essays in Honour of Aduke Adebayo, Zenith Bookhouse Publishers, Ibadan, 473-86.
Kamen, D. (2011) “Naturalized Desires and the Metamorphosis of Iphis”, Helios 39, 21-36.
Martínez López, C. (2011) “Amantissima civium suorum: Matronazgo cívico en el Occidente romano”, Arenal 18.2, 277-307.
Olasope, O. (2011) “The Artifice of Lysistrata in Aristophanes’ Lysistrata and the plight of Hellenic Women”, Ibadan Journal of Theatre Arts, IJOTA 7&8, 147-66.
Olasope, O. (2011) “To sack a City or to Breach a Woman’s Chastity: Euripides’ Trojan Women and Osofisan’s Women of Owu”, in D. Oni and S. Adeyemi (eds), Developments in the Theory and Practice of Contemporary Nigerian Drama and Theatre, Alpha Crowne Publishers, Rochester, 89-98.
Olasope, O. and Adeyemi, S. (2011) “Fracturing the Insularity of the Global State: War and Conflict in Moira Buffini's Welcome to Thebes”, Lagos Notes and Records 17, 99-110.
Olasope, O. (2011) “The Augustan Social Reforms of 18 BC and the Elite Roman Women”, Drumspeak: International Journal of Research in the Humanities 4, N. 1 & 2, 252-66.
Ramsey, G. (2011) “The queen and the city: Royal female intervention and patronage in Hellenistic civic communities”, Gender & History 23, 510-27.
Bianchi, E. (2012) “Aristotle and the Masculinization of Phusis”, The Yearbook of Comparative Literature 58, 7-34.
Bielman Sánchez A. (2012) “Female patronage in the Greek Hellenistic and Roman Republican periods”, in S. L. James et S. Dillon S. (eds), A Companion to Women in the Ancient World, Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World, Wiley and Blackwell, Oxford/Malden (Mass.), 238-48.
Heano-Castro, A. and M. Mueller (2012) “Reception of the Antigone”, Literary Encyclopedia.
Hemelrijk, E.A. (2012) “Fictive motherhood and female authority in Roman cities”, Eugesta 2: 201-20.
Klein, F. (2012) “Les bouclettes d’Encolpe (Sat. 109.9) : une critique pétronienne du néo-alexandrinisme ovidien?”, Eugesta 2.
Lamberti, F. (2012) “Mulieres e vicende processuali fra repubblica e principato”, Index, 40, 244-56.
McClintock, A. (2012) “L’ira di Demetra. Riflessioni sull’ideologia del matrimonio”, Index 40, 42-56.
Olasope, O. (2012) “Wailing Women in Ancient Greek Society”, Ife Journal of Foreign Languages (IJOFOL) 8, 286-97.
Olasope, O. (2012) “Prostitution: The Appetites of Athenian Men in the Classical Period”, Lagos Notes and Records 18.1, 89-104.
Olasope, Olakunbi (2012) (Revised) To Sack a City or to breach a Woman’s Chastity: Euripides’ Trojan Women and Osofisan’s Women of Owu”, African Performance Review 6.1, 111-21.
Orrells, D. (2012) “Greek Love, Orientalism and Race: Intersections in Classical Reception”, Cambridge Classical Journal 58, 194-230.
Perczyk, C.J. (2012) “Las mujeres en "Bacantes" de Eurípides: ménades de Hades y perras de Lýssa”, in A. López López, A. Pociña Pérez, M. de Fátima de Sousa e Silva (eds), De ayer a hoy: influencias clásicas en la literatura, 385-92.
Brill, S. (2013) “Plato’s Critical Theory”, Epoché, 17(2), 233-48.
Heano-Castro, A. (2013) “Antigone claimed: ‘I am a Stranger!’ Political Theory and the Figure of the Stranger”, Hypatia: Special Issue ‘Crossing Borders 28.2, 307-22.
López Gegoris, R. (2013) “Lisístrata. De Aristófanes a König”, en G. Santana Henríquez & L. M. Pino Campo (eds.), Kalos kai agazos aner didaskalou paradigma. Homenaje al Prof. Juan Antonio López Férez, Ediciones Clásicas, Madrid, 479-86.
McClintock, A. (2013) “The Lex Voconia and Cornelia’s Jewels”, Revue Internationale des Droits de l’Antiquité 60, 183-200.
Olasope, O. (2013) “Painting a Cross-Cultural Canvas: Osofisan’s Journey between Athens and Yorubaland. An Interview”, in O. Olasope (ed), Black Dionysos: Conversations with Femi Osofisan, Kraft Books, Ibadan, 3-27.
Orrells, D. (2013) “Freud’s Phallic Symbol”, in E. O’Gorman and V. Zajko (eds), Classical Myth and Psychoanalysis, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 39-58.
Perczyk, C. J. (2013). “Locura, mujer y muerte: el ritual dionisíaco en Bacantes de Eurípides”, in Rodríguez Cidre, E., Buis, E., Atienza, A. (eds) El Oikos violentado: genealogías conflictivas y perversiones del parentesco en la literatura antigua, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA.
Racette-Campbell, M. (2013) “Marriage Contracts, Fides and Gender Roles in Propertius 3.20,” CJ 108.3, 297-317.
Gambón, L. (2014) “Nuestras y otras: mujeres trágicas en el teatro argentino actual”, Aletria, Revista de Estudos de Literatura, vol. 24, n°1, 104-22.
Lamberti, F. (2014) “Donne romane fra Idealtypus e realtà sociale. Dal ‘domum servare’ e ‘lanam facere’ al ‘meretricio more vivere’”, Quaderni Lupiensi di Storia e Diritto, 4, 61-84.
López Gregoris, R. (2014) “Retrato femenino en la comedia plautina. La modernidad de Fronesia”, Pan, Rivista di Filologia Latina 3, 45-64.
Olasope, O. and Blavo, E.B (2014) “Female Patrons: A Reconstruction of Women’s Identity in the Late Roman Republic and Principate”, Ibadan Journal of European Studies 14, 339-58.
Olasope, O. (2014) “Rape and Adultery in Ancient Greek and Yoruba Societies”, Journal of Philosophy and Culture 5.1, 69-114.
Olasope, O. (2014) “Stage Acting and the Actor in Ancient Rome”, Ibadan Journal of Theatre Arts, IJOTA 9&10, 117-34.
Unceta Gómez, L. (2014) “Diálogos de las muertas: Los bosques de Nyx, de Javier Tomeo, Aletria 24.1, 27-39
Bessone, F. (2015) “Love and War: Feminine Models, Epic Roles and Gender Identity in Statius’ Thebaid”, in J. Fabre-Serris and A. Keith (eds), Women and War in Antiquity, Baltimore, 119-37.
Cid, R. (2015) “El género y los estudios históricos sobre las mujeres en la Antigüedad”, Revista de Historiografía 22, 25-49.
Heano-Castro, A. (2015) “Can the Subaltern Smile? Oedipus Without Oedipus”, Contemporary Political Theory 14.4: 315-34.
McClure, L. (2015) “Courtesans Reconsidered: Women in Aristophanes’ Lysistrata”, Eugesta 5, 55-84.
Miller, P.A. (2015) “Enjoyment Beyond the Pleasure Principle: Antigone, Julian of Norwich, and the Use of Pleasures”, The Comparatist 39, 47-63.
Olasope, O. (2015) “The Contributions of Women to the Athenian Economy in Antiquity”, Nigeria and the Classics 29, 35-50.
Olasope, Ol (2015) “The Playwright is a Labourer of Love. An Interview with Femi Osofisan”, Critical Stages/ Scenes Critiques the IACT Webjournal 12: 1-10.
Perczyk, C. J. (2015) ““El empuje a La mujer” en Heracles de Eurípides: un abordaje psicoanalítico de la tragedia griega”, Revista Universitaria de Psicoanálisis 15, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 113-32.
Perry, M. (2015) “Sexual Damage to Slaves in Roman Law”, Journal of Ancient History 3.1, 55-75.
Sapsford, T. (2015) “The Wages of Effeminacy? Kinaidoi in Greek Documents from Egypt”, Eugesta, 103-23.
Simões Rodrigues, N. (2015) “Problemática da prostituição masculina na Atenas Clássica”, in A. Iriarte, L. N. Ferreira (eds), Idades e Género na Literatura e na Arte da Grécia Antiga, Coimbra/São Paulo, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra/Annablume, 129‑66.
Unceta Gómez, L. (2015) “Una Helena posmoderna: Juicio a una zorra de Miguel del Arco”, Ágora : estudos clássicos em debate 17, 1, 309-34.
Webb, L. (2015) “Shame transfigured: Slut-shaming from Rome to cyberspace”, First Monday 20.4, (Open Access).
Mastrorosa, I.G. (2016) “Donne e Tardoantico: considerazioni preliminari”, in F. Cenerici e I.G. Mastrorosa (eds), Donne, istituzioni e società fra tardo antico e alto medioevo, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce-Brescia, 13-18.
Miller, P.A. (2016) “The Puella: Accept No Substitutions!”, in T.S. Thorsen (ed), The Cambridge Companion to Latin Love Elegy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 166-79.
Racette-Campbell, M. (2016) “Death Becomes Her: women’s speech haunting Propertius IV,” Helios 43.2, 109-31.
Rodriguez Cidre, E. (2016) “Acerca de lo monstruoso y lo bello: normatividad y ambigüedad en Helena de Eurípides”, in E.J. Buis, E. Rodriguez Cidre & A. Atienza (eds), El nómos transgredido. Afectaciones poéticas de la normatividad en el mundo griego antiguo, Editorial de la FFyL/UBA, Buenos Aires, 215-44.
Salvo, I. (2016) “Emotions, Persuasion, and Gender in Greek Erotic Curses”, in E. Sanders and M. Johncock (eds), Emotion and Persuasion in Classical Antiquity, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 263–80.
Beltramini, A. (2017) “Corpi come cose, Parole come pietre. Ecuba si alza da terra”, in M. Francesconi e D. Scotto di Fasano (eds), Cosa, Corpo, Parole tra Filosofia e Psicanalisi, Mimesis Edizioni, Milano-Udine, 71-84.
Blake Reitzammer, L. (2017) “Euripides’ Bacchae”, L. McClure(ed), Blackwell Companion to Euripides, Oxford, 298-312.
McClintock A. (2017) “Un’analisi giuridica della lex Voconia”, Teoria e storia del diritto privato X, 1-50.
Mirón, D. (2017) “Mujeres, poder político y agencia arquitectónica: tres reinas constructoras en la Grecia de los siglos IV-III a.C.”, in C. Martínez López & P. Ubric Rabaneda, (eds), Cartografías de género en las ciudades antiguas, Granada: Universidad de Granada, 47-70.
Olasope, O (2017) “Lament as Women’s Speech in Femi Osofisan’s Adaptation of Euripides’ Trojan Women: Women of Owu”, Textus English Studies in Italy 30.2, 105-21.
Orrells, D. (2017) “Classical Antiquity and Modern Erotic Literature”, in B. Mudge (ed), The Cambridge Companion to Erotic Literature, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 17-33.
Salvo, I. (2017) “Owners of their Own Bodies: Women’s Magic and Reproduction in Greek Inscriptions”, in M. Dillon, E. Eidinow, L. Maurizio (eds), Women’s Ritual Competence in the Ancient Mediterranean, Ashgate, Farnham, 131–48.
Sebillotte Cuchet, (2017) “Gender studies et domination masculine. Les citoyennes de l’Athènes classique, un défi pour l’historien des institutions”, Cahiers du centre Glotz VIII, 7-26.
Webb, L. (2017) “Gendering the Roman imago”, Eugesta, 7, 140-83.
Bessone, B (2018) “Storie di eroi, scrittura di eroine. Storia e critica letteraria nelle Heroides”, in P. Fedeli e G. Rosati (eds), Ovidio 2017. Prospettive per il terzo millennio. Atti del Convegno internazionale (Sulmona, 3/6 aprile 2017), Teramo, 181-213.
Blake Reitzammer, L. (2018) “Sightseeing at Colonus: Oedipus, Ismene, and Antigone as Theôroi in Oedipus at Colonus”, Classical Antiquity 37.1, 108-50.
Blok, J. (2018) “An Athenian woman’s competence: the case of Xenokrateia”, Eugesta 8.
Dasen, V. (2018) “Uterine amulets from Graeco-Roman Egypt”, in R. Flemming, N. Hopwood & L. Kassell (eds), Reproduction: From Antiquity to the Present Day, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Exhibit 17 (hors pagination).
Dasen, V. & Haziza, T. (ed) (2018) Dossier thématique Jeux et jouets, Kentron, Revue pluridisciplinaire du monde antique, 34, 17-128.
Fabre-Serris, J. (2018) “Cybèle, déesse étrangère et romaine ? Religio, mythographie et genre (Varron Lucrèce, Ovide)”, in F. Graziani et A. Zucker (eds), Mythographie de l’étranger dans la Méditerranée ancienne,Paris, 291-309.
Gherchanoc, F. (2018) “Les célibataires dans les cités grecques archaïques et classiques : traitement légal et représentations”, A. Damet et S. Armani (eds), Les politiques familiales dans le monde antique, Cahiers « Mondes anciens » 10.
Gladhill, B. (2018) “Tiberius on Capri and the Limits of Roman Sex Culture”, Eugesta 8.
Hajdarević, S. (2018) “Sexual Initiative in Aristaenetus' Erotic Letters”, Systasis 32, 1–24.
Harich-Schwarzbauer, H. (2018) “Alma Johanna König’s Der heilige Palast: The Rise and Fall of Theodora in the Belletrist of the Wiener Moderns”, in S. Schottenius Cullhed und M. Malm (eds), Reading Late Antiquity. Heidelberg, 137– 55.
López Gregoris, R. (2018) “El sujeto que no migra: Penélope toma la palabra. Formas de exilio interior en Margaret Atwood y Begoña Caamaño. Synthesis, 25(1), e0-33.
Maresca, V. (2018) “'Parthénon psychén échonI ' (E. "Hipp." 1006): un análisis de la feminización de Hipólito en Eurípides”, Stylos, n°27, 156-67.
Mirón, D. (2018) “From Family to Politics: Queen Apollonis as Agent of Dynastic/Political Loyalty”, in C. Dunn and E. Carney (eds), Royal Women and Dynastic Loyalty. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 31-48.
Mirón, D. (2018) “Feminidades fuera de la norma: Género, identidad y poder en la Grecia helenística”, in H. Gallego Franco (ed), Feminidades y masculinidades en la historiografía de género, Granada: Comares, Granada, 3-23.
Pasche Guignard, F. & Pedrucci, G. (2018) “Motherhood(s) and Polytheisms: Epistemological and Methodological Reflections on the Study of Religions, Gender, and Women”, Numen 65/4, 404-34.
Perczyk, Cecilia J. (2018) “La experiencia de la locura en Orestes de Eurípides como proceso de feminización del héore”, Circe de clásicos y modernos, Vol. 22, nº. 1, 63-78.
Potter, A. (2018) “Feminist heroines for our times: Screening the Amazon Warrior in Wonder Woman (1975 – 1979), Xena: Warrior Princess (1995 – 2001) and Wonder Woman”, thersites 7, 30 – 57.
Salvo, I. and Munkholt, M. (2018) “Die Familie als Ort der religiösen Bildung: Das antike Athen und das spätantike Christentum”, in P. Gemeinhardt, I. Tanaseanu-Döbler (eds), Das Paradies ist ein Hörsaal für die Seelen, Religiöse Bildung in historischer Perspektive. SERAPHIM 1, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 177–200.
Salvo, I. and L. Matthews (2018) “Cursing Prayers and Female Vengeance in the Ancient Greek World”, in L. Dawson, F. McHardy (eds), Revenge and Gender from Classical to Early Modern Literature, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 141–59.
Simões Rodrigues, N. (2018) “Uma leitura “médica” da homossexualidade no Corpus Aristotelicum (Pr. 4.26‑27)”, in C. E. Soares, C. Rufino, F. Isaac, J. M. Magalhães (eds), Phármakon. Do combate da enfermidade à invenção da imortalidade, Porto, CITCEM – Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar: Cultura, Espaço e Memória, 61-71.
Skinner, M. (2018) “Lesbia as Procuress in Horace’s Epode 12”, Eugesta 8.
Weiner, J. (2018) “Stripping the Bark / Fleeing the Sheep: Rethinking glubit in Catullus 58”, Eugesta 8.
Ando, V. (2019) “Bambini non desiderati e bambini non nati: l’aborto nella Grecia classica tra teorie mediche e pratica sociale”, in Lambrugo (ed), Una favola breve. Archeologia e antropologia per la storia dell’infanzia, Sesto Fiorentino 17-20.
Bielman Sánchez, and V. Joliton, V. (2019) “Marital Crises or Institutional Crises? Two Ptolemaic Couples under the Spotlight”, in A. Bielman (ed), Power couples in Antiquity. A Transversal Perspective, Routledge, Oxford/New York, 69-98.
Blondel, R. (2019) “Helen and the Divine Defense: Homer, Gorgias, Euripides”, Classical Philology 113 (2018) 113-33; reprinted in Logoi and Muthoi: Further Philosophical Essays in Greek Literature, ed. William Wians. SUNY Press.
Calame, C. (2019) “Métaphores végétales de la croissance, sanctuaires paysagers, pratiques cultuelles : parcours initiatiques pour les jeunes filles“, in A. Gartziou-Tatti & A. Zografou (eds), Des dieux et des plantes. Monde végétal et religion en Grèce ancienne (Kernos Suppl. 34, (Presses Universitaires de Liège), Liège, 59-68.
Doherty, L. (2019) “Menander, Terence, and the Rape of the Clever Wife”, in L. Doherty and B.M. King (eds), Thinking the Greeks: A Volume in Honour of James Redfield. Routledge, Abingdon, England and New York, 189-99.
Gambón, L. (2019) “Acerca de los imaginarios trágicos de alteridad y su pervivencia en el teatro argentino actual: Antígona(s) y Medea(s)”, in A. López, A. Pociña, M. de Fátima Silva (eds), De ayer y hoy: influencias clásicas en la literatura, Coimbra University Press, 217-226.
Gazzari, T. (2019) “Cinaedus Galbinatus: Cultural Perception of the Color “Green” and its Gender Association with Pathici in Rome”, Eugesta 10, 79-107.
Hallett, J.P. (2019) “The Legacy of the Drunken Duchess: Grace Harriet Macurdy, Barbara McManus and Vassar College, 1893-1946”, History of Classical Scholarship, 94-127.
Holmes, B. (2019) “Let go of Laqueur: Towards New Histories of the Sexed Body”, Eugesta 9, 136-75.
Martínez López, C., Gallego, H., Mirón, D., Oria, M. (2019) Constructoras de ciudad. Mujeres y arquitectura en el occidente romano, Comares, Granada.
Miller, P.A. (2019) “Assuming the Puella,” Transactions of the American Philological Association. 149.2 Supplement (2019), 201-26.
Miller, P.A. (2019) “On Being Old and Queer: Plato’s Seventh Letter in the Digital Age”, Digitalizing the Global Text: Digitality, Literature, and Culture, ed. Paul Allen Miller. National Taiwan University Press/ University of South Carolina Press, 19-34.
Perczyk, Cecilia J., Lombardi, Gabriel. (2019) “El odio hacia la mujer como móvil de la tragedia de Orestes de Eurípides”, Affectio Societatis, Vol. 16, n°31, 125-47.
Racette-Campbell, M. (2019) “Disidentifying with Fides in Propertius 2.9 and 2.29”, Phoenix 73.1/2, 41-61.
Racette-Campbell, M. (2019) “Clientela amoris: Cynthia, slavery, and patronage”, Mouseion 16.1, 51-70.
Salvo, I. (2019) “Gender”, in N.P. Roubekas (ed.), Theorizing ‘Religion’ in Antiquity., Sheffield: Equinox, 398–413.
Seratti, J. (2019) “'Take the Sword Away From That Girl! Combat, Gender, and Vengeance in the Mid-Republic”, in J. Armstrong and M.P. Fronda (eds), The Romans at War: Soldier, Citizens, and Society in the Roman Republic. London: Routledge, 116-33.
Webb, L. (2019) “Mihi es aemula: Elite female status competition in Mid-Republican Rome and the example of Tertia Aemilia”, in C. Damon and C. Pieper (eds), Eris vs. Aemulatio. Valuing Competition in the Ancient World, Brill, 251–80.