Books 2000-2009
Carney, E.D. (2000) Women and monarchy in Macedonia, Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, Oklahoma.
Wagner-Hasel B und Späth T. (2000) Frauenwelten in der Antike. Geschlechterordnung und weibliche Praxis, Metzler, Stuttgart.
Dixon, S. (2001) Reading Roman Women: Sources, Genres, and Real Life, London.
Lessa, F. (2001) Mulheres de Atenas: Mélissa do Gineceu à Agorá, Rio de Janeiro: Editora Mauad X.
Bielman, A. (2002) Femmes en public dans le monde hellénistique, SEDES, Paris.
Cenerini, F. (2002) La donna romana, Il Mulino, Bologna (20092).
Dillon, M. (2002) Girls and women in classical Greek religion, Routledge, London.
Feichtinger, B. und Wöhrle, G. (eds) (2002) Gender studies in den Altertumswissenschaften: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. IPHIS: Beiträge zur altertumswissenschaftlichen Genderforschung, Bd. 1, Trier.
Foley, H. (2002) Female Acts in Greek Tragedy. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Iriarte, A. (2002) De Amazonas a Ciudadanos. Pretexto ginecocrático y patriarcado en la Grecia antigua, Akal, Madrid.
McClure, L. (2002) Sexuality and Gender in the classical world, Oxford.
Molas, D. (ed) (2002) Vivir en femenino. Estudios de mujeres en la antigüedad, Barcelona.
Molas, D. y Guerra, S. (eds) (2002) Morir en femenino. Mujeres, ideología y prácticas funerarias desde la Prehistoria hasta la Edad Media, Barcelona.
Pitts, A (2002) Prostitute, Muse, Lover: the biographical tradition of Sappho in Greek and Roman Literature, University of Wisconsin.
Pomeroy, S. (2002) Spartan Women, Oxford.
Rabinowitz, N.S. and Auanger, L. (eds) 2002 (2009) Among Women: From the Homosocial to the Homoerotic in the Ancient World, University of Texas Press, Austin.
Wyke, M (2002) The Roman Mistress: Ancient and Modern Representations. OUP.
Buonopane, A, e Cenerini, F. (eds) (2003) Donna e lavoro nella documentazione epigrafica (Atti del I Seminario sulla condizione femminile nella documentazione epigrafica), Fratelli Lega Editori, Faenza.
Fuhrer, T. und Zinsli, S. (eds) (2003) Gender studies in den Altertumswissenschaften: Rollenkonstrukte in antiken Texten, IPHIS: Beiträge zur altertumswissenschaftlichen Genderforschung, Bd. 2, Trier.
James, S. (2003) Learned Girls and Male Persuasion: Gender and Reading in Roman Love Elegy, University of California Press, Berkeley.
Llewellyn-Jones, L. (2003) Aphrodite's Tortoise: the veiled woman of ancient Greece, Classical Press of Wales, Classical Press of Wales, Swansea.
Spentzou, E. (2003) Readers and Writers in Ovid’s Heroides, Transgressions of Genre and Gender, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Cole, S.G. (2004) Landscapes, gender, and ritual space: the ancient Greek experience, University of California Press, Berkeley, 2004.
Feichtinger B. und Wöhrle G. (2004) Möglichkeiten und Grenzen, Iphis, Beiträge zur Altertumswissenschaftlichen Genderforschung, Trier.
Miller, P.A. (2004) Subjecting Verses: Latin Love Elegy and the Emergence of the Real, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Plant, I.M. (ed.) (2004) Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome. An Anthology, Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Fulkerson, L. (2005) The Ovidian Heroine as Author: Reading, Writing and Community in the Heroides, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Greene, E. (ed) (2005) Women Poets in Ancient Greece and Rome, Norman, University of Oklahoma Press.
Harich-Schwarzbauer, H. und Späth, T. (eds) (2005) Gender studies in den Altertumswissenschaften: Räume und Geschlechter in der Antike IPHIS: Beiträge zur altertumswissenschaftlichen Genderforschung, Bd. 3, Trier.
Milnor, K. (2005) Gender, Domesticity, and the Age of Augustus: Inventing Private Life, Oxford.
Pedregal, A. y González, M. (eds) (2005) Venus sin espejo. Imágenes de mujeres en la Antigüedad clásica y el cristianismo primitivo, KRK, Oviedo.
Bennett, J. (2006) History Matters: Patriarchy and the Challenge of Feminism, University of Pensylvania Press, Philadelphia.
Fantham, E. (2006) Julia Augusti, Routledge, London and New-York.
Hallett, J. (2006) Roman Mothers, a special issue of the classical journal Helios 33.2.
Langlands, R. (2006) Sexual Morality in Ancient Rome, Cambridge.
Olasope, O. (2006) Marriage Alliances in Ancient Rome, Hope Library of Liberal Arts Series 5, Ibadan.
Stavrianopoulou, E. (2006) Gruppenbild mit Dame: Untersuchungen zur rechtlichen und sozialen Stellung der Frau auf den Kykladen im Hellenismus und in der römischen Kaiserzeit, Stuttgart.
Boehringer, S (2007) L’homosexualité féminine dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine, Les Belles Lettres, Paris.
Connelly, J.B. (2007) Portrait of a priestess: Women and ritual in ancient Greece, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Gallego Franco, M.H. (2007) Mujeres en Hispania tardoantigua: Las fuentes epigráficas (siglos V-VII d.C.), Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid.
Sebillotte, V. et Ernoult, N. (2007) Problèmes du genre en Grèce ancienne, Paris.
Treggiari, S. (2007) Terentia, Tullia and Publilia: the Women of Cicero’s family, Routledge, New-York and London.
Bertholet, F., Bielman Sanchez, A. et Frei-Stolba, R. (eds) (2008) Égypte, Grèce, Rome. Les différents visages des femmes antiques. Berne.
Gleason, M. (2008) Making Men: Sophists and Self-Presentation in Ancient Rome (Princeton 1995; paperback 2008).
Iriarte, A. y González, M. (2008) Entre Ares y Afrodita. Violencia del erotismo y erótica de la violencia en la Grecia antigua, Abada, Madrid.
Rabinowitz, N.S. (2008) Greek Tragedy, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
Sissa, G. (2008) Sex and sensuality in the ancient World, Yale University Press.
Cenerini, F. (2009) La donna romana. Modelli e realtà, Il Mulino, Bologna
Olasope, Olakunbi (2009) Roman Jewellery, Benin Beads for Class Structures: Significance of Adornment in Ancient Cultures, Hope Library of Liberal Arts series 8, Ibadan.
Ormand, K (2009) Controlling Desires: Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome, Praeger.
Schmitt Pantel, P. (2009) Aithra et Pandora. Femmes, Genre et Cité dans la Grèce antique, Paris.